@Montreal Canadiens

I’ve seen worse double overagers 7th round picks

I’ve seen worse double overagers 7th round picks

by SevenLeg


  1. There’s a reason Jfresh calls him “Mr. Model Breaker.”

    It’d be cool though if he’s a newer, better Gallagher.

  2. ApokatastasisPanton

    I feel RHP is a crossbreed between Gally and Lehkonen.

  3. goompa88

    Gotta love when guys force the teams hand. This guy has to be on the team next year

  4. RoboticAnatomy

    Just having him in the NHL justifies the pick, having him play and produce the way he has been, makes it a slam dunk. RHP is the main character and we simply exist as NPCs in his world.

  5. RHP’s rates in 31 games projected over 82 games are like 34 goals, 13 assists and 47 pts.

    34-13-47 in his rookie season would put him 2nd in points behind Beniers and first in goals by 13 goals, and about 5th on the team.

    For comparison’s sake, 47 pts in the most Anderson ever had in a season. It’s better than any season Dvorak or Armia ever had.

    Kid earned himself a nice deal this summer. He could turn UFA in 2026, so I assume they work out a low 2-years bridge deal that brings him to 2025 still a RFA and gives the team time to dump cap/let old guys walk.

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