@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK's Daily Shot of Penguins: Who's in goal now?

It’s time for Mike Sullivan to find out one way or the other if Tristan Jarry’s in this thing.

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  1. Jarry gets start tonight down 3-0 gets pulled. Desmith gets 4-3 win Ans starts game Saturday. Then Boston goes up 7-0 in first period and desmith gets pulled for Jarry and we lose that game 14-2

  2. I don't think the team or the core has packed it in, but I get the feeling that they know that they are not only playing against their opponents, but against Heckstall as well. It's such a mess that it's so difficult to accurately analyze the situation.

  3. Have to ride with Jarry the rest of the way. If he’s the guy that is. And, if they don’t what does that mean for Jarry’s future with the Pens?

  4. Who cares? In the end it won't matter. Put Jarry or Tokarsky in net and they'll still be golfing in April. if we're really honest here (which people hate to be), not a single player on this team will still be there when this team is a legitimate cup contender again, so who cares? It may be just 5 years, or it may be 25, but none of these players will be part of it, and I'd rather move on from this 2023 fraud and into the next era that's worth investing in, sooner rather than later. Naively believing and hoping in anything else is just kicking the can down the road for nothing more than sentimental reasons to prolong the end of an era that technically ended in 2018. Time for this team's ownership to adopt the quote: "Get busy living, or get busy dying", as their mantra going forward, and move on from this denial and into acceptance. Right now they are dying, and no reason to stick with that plan. Fans aren't even going to games anymore, so it's not even for financial reasons to stick with the dying plan. I've had my share of unrealistic, melancholy hope watching Ben and the Steelers rot on the vine for the past 10 years. I won't watch the Penguins drag this fallacy out any longer for the sake of players padding stats and easing comfortably into retirement. So keep Sid until he can no longer play on one of the the top two lines, move everyone else ASAP, and make those draft picks high enough to be worth keeping. If they're lucky, they'll hit on another generational pick and we'll all be rewarded, but that won't happen trying to remain mediocre for the sake of hurting feelings and false hope.

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