@Calgary Flames

Mfw when frank seravalli says that “kirk muller could be the coach next season” (fan960)

Mfw when frank seravalli says that “kirk muller could be the coach next season” (fan960)

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    I’m a noted Darryl defender however even I can admit it’s a possibility he isn’t back next year. If we are going to hire internal I would 1000% rather the next guy be Huska or Mitch Love.

    Kirk Muller being head coach is the equivalent of Darryl being GM

  2. weschester

    When Darryl gets canned it should be Mitch Love as our next coach. Either we hire him or someone else will and then we will end up lamenting the fact that we missed out on a great hire.

  3. And here I’ve been wondering how Muller is still employed after watching the sad excuse for a powerplay we’ve been trotting out all season with zero adjustments.

    The personnel we have are ideal for seam passes and one-timers yet we just spend two minutes cycling it in a circle around the edge of the zone.

  4. Less-Ad-1327

    Seravelli often says things which reflect he doesn’t have an intimate knowledge of flames dynamics.
    Don’t get me wrong, he’s a legit insider but some of his personal speculation seems way off compared to calgary media guys like steinberg.

    No way do I see Muller as next in line. Would out love and huska before him

  5. doughflow

    Does Muller do anything besides wear an earpiece and look constipated?

  6. jonos360

    Honestly does Kirk get along with the players? If so, I’m okay with him as HC because that might be what’s actually going on here. Just make sure my guy Lindy stays.

  7. SuperDashDingo

    !@#$ NO!

    I’d sooner have Darryl than Muller.

  8. yeastneast

    Crazy Theory Time (seriously i hate when people speculate like this but today i admittedly stoop to their level)

    All Seravalli says about the flames sounds like it comes from Huberdeau/Allan Walsh. SO this report means one of two things to me.

    Either Muller plays good cop with Huberdeau so Huberdeau/ Walsh want him as head coach because he’s such a nice guy and we can bring in a better PP guy to replace him,


    Huberdeau/Walsh realize that the org is trending towards a Darryl GM/Muller HC situation, wants no part of that, so is leaking to rile up the fans and pressure the org to change course.


    *takes off tin foil hat*

  9. stinkybunger

    Kirk muller is even a bigger problem than sutter if hes the coach ill lose my god damn mind

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