@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR16 – Game 74 – Lyon – Panthers 3, Maple Leafs 2 (OT)

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 74 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Florida Panthers. Highlights include a 38 save performance by Alex Lyon and Brandon Montour scoring the OT winner.


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  1. lets not dwell on the stupid nhl rules when contemplating penalty shot options. lets concentrate instead on the stupidest, which is the three point game, just because the game happens to finish tied. all of a sudden that game magically becomes 50% more valuable than a non-finishing tied game in regulation. wouldn't it be rather simple to give the winner 1 1/2 points and the loser 1/2 point. i always believed that sports should be totally fair but the nhl doesn't concur. they give the bogus extra point so that more teams stay in contention for a playoff spot longer thereby increasing their revenue. imagine if the any other sports league tried that nonsense. absolutely bogus!!

  2. I am a leafs fan but I am so sick of people saying it’s the best team they have ever seen. They are soft. Very soft. Never will they win anything with girls on their team.

  3. My son says coach should call timeout so the skater can catch his breath before taking the penalty shot. But in the end all they had to do was score the empty netter. How important is that gonna be come playoffs? …🤔

  4. Okay. I just wanna shout out Drew for using the KH render of Mufasa. I know you're probably not a KH fan, but as one it was appreciated

  5. Was at this game. Last game I went to was the game that shan’t be mentioned in Feb 2020. Obviously not the same but maybe I’m bad luck when I go and we face nobody goalies lol

  6. Leaf got lucky that Panthers had Lyon other vice they would had to play against zamboni driver…

  7. Uhh I'm surprised you didn't mention Nylander at all? If he's not producing, it happens that's fine. But THAT , whatever that was where he gave the puck up and led to the gwg, ugh unacceptable. And Tavares' effort almost got the pass intercept on that same rush (within inches)

  8. I was cheering for the Leafs only because my Senators are chasing a wildcard spot with Florida…among others. Oh well.🇨🇦

  9. Good LFR, but your obsession with Lyon’s stats has of course led to countless comments comparing this loss to the Zamboni-driver game, which is just bullsh*t. Not the same at all. For most of the past two seasons, teams get really fired up playing the Leafs because the buds are SO good, and the goalies, especially struggling ones, bring their A+ game. Often, the D on those teams go into smother mode, and teams play the trap. It is a testament to the RESPECT teams in the NHL have FOR the Leafs. All these “First Round Exit” comments that seem to fill your LFR threads after ANY loss are so stupid. As are all the Zamboni driver comments. Just boring, unoriginal and tediously childish. Perhaps credit where it’s due is more in order. When Woll or Kallgren come up and have a great game or a shutout, do you think the commentators or fans of the other team shred their franchise with contempt? NO. Only Leaf fans do that. It’s so self-defeating, and shows no respect. To those negative snarky fans writing that garbage, I say take a page from the other 31 teams in the league and show your team the respect it deserves.

  10. Steve.. why do they never wear this years reverse retros? They’re beautiful and the beiber black ones are trash. Yet they keep wearing them… I hate it

  11. You should be able to choose who takes the penalty shot like in soccer. Doesn't make a lot of sense to have anyone other than your top scorer be the one to take it

  12. My mom just about refuses to watch hockey but we did last night for a bit and when that happened with Maurice, she’s like “that dude is really red why is he so red?” I just said back “oh that’s Paul Maurice” “why is he like that though?” “Cause it’s Paul Maurice” 🤣🤣

  13. call me crazy but I have a hunch tampa and toronto are playing the same game:
    play dumb until game 1.

  14. Steve… I can't wait to see what you do when the leafs lose in the first round… or second. I don't expect them to make it past tho!! 😛

  15. Missed opportunity on the thumbnail, should have used “Alex the Lion” from Madagascar. 😂

  16. I know it doesnt matter in 7 games but my god Keefe has been outcoached in nearly every OT loss. team is good enough to win all those when deployed correctly. Just look at the lines on ice in OT wins vs losses

  17. Lyons any reactions to Billy Red Lyons? He made some great saves kept Florida in the game .
    Leafs lost to another team that played them physical.
    Paul Maurice dam love the passion , that is how to demonstrate frustration and how you feel about your teams play.
    Nice to see a coach display and verbalize their displeasure 😮

  18. They lost a game vs a Zamboni driver…so a third stringer can be a tough challenge for them sometimes.

  19. I encourage anyone who enjoys choatic energy. Always watch the intro at 1.75x Its a masterpiece at explaining how I feel about the leafs.

  20. I remember Alex Lyon from his very funny playoff bubble hotel video

  21. As someone with no psychological experience whatsoever, Steve seems to be showing clear signs of stockholm syndrome

  22. I was at the game, the power play was pathetic. It was ring around the rosie passey passey. They averaged 1 shot on net each power play.

    As good as Lyon was. The Leafs offance despite the shot total was major shiat. The 3 crazy good chances they got, Lyon stood on his head, especially on that point blank shot in OT by Matthews. After that happened I said to the wife, that is the game winning save right there. The next drive by Florida, they scored with Morgan being left alone on a two on one.

  23. Alright let's be honest, which is gonna be the Leafs fate this year? Game 7 loss to Tampa, or finally see Round 2 to lose Game 7 to Boston? Which one is gonna give Steve the bigger conniption fit?

  24. No doubt about it Lyon stood huge and goalied the Leafs, BUT, that shouldn’t even have mattered. Leafs went 0 for 5 on the PP, completely unacceptable for any Stanley Cup hopeful. Sure a team’s PP can get shut out once in a while, but a contender’s PP should be consistently performing at about 30ish% heading in. Leafs PP can look absolutely incredible at times but yet struggles mightily to finish often, way too often. AND, call me whatever you want, I’m putting it all on Keefe. He’s gotta stop blending (like a hurricane) the top six and the PPs. Mess around like crazy with the bottom six if you must, I support that, and maybe even move a single top end piece in, out, and around strategically on occasion, but for the most part the top end has got to be left the fuck alone to gel for Christ Sakes. If he does this in the playoffs, I’m going to completely lose my hockey religion. Please, somebody, make him cease and desist!

  25. “Are the Leafs going to lose when they get 40 shots on a 3rd stringer?” Why not they lost to a Zamboni driver.

  26. Four guarantees in life:
    Laffs fans crying about back to backs
    Laffs fans crying about rules
    Laffs fans crying about the salary cap

  27. I wanna know who said what on the Panther's bench that made Maurice snap. He was fine then you can tell he heard something and he just went off.

  28. Leafs will show up for a little over half the games in the playoffs. They'll lose the ones they don't show up for, & at least one of the ones they do. One & done.

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