@San Jose Sharks

Fallen Angel/John Reedy Controversy

This is rnd 1 taken from a fan’s POV. The round ends at 5:13 and the break is over at 6:13 in which FA’s cornermen had to leave the ring and FA had to go to a neutral corner. 3 additional min pass besides the 1min break totalling a 4min break between rnds 1 & 2..this shows 1:30 of that 3min extra. During this time the Reedy was allowed to stay in HIS corner, with 2 athletic commission people and 1 of HIS corner men(note:the lil thai guy) IN the ring with him, while the PROMOTER went and got him a random new mma glove NOT signed off by the commission for a mma glove that SUPPOSEDLY ripped, yet they would let no1 see it. (note: this fight was 30min from Reedy’s hometown)

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