@Minnesota Wild

Should the Wild Be Getting More Respect with Their Recent Run of Victories?

Hey all and I wanted to make a video on the Wild.

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  1. I like your board. I wonder how it would look with Gus Nyquist's name on it! I think he would bring so much more to the Wild's line up, do you think he could possibly make it back during the playoffs?

  2. I'll be honest, as a Wild fan, they have outplayed my expectations the last several years. They've looked and played really well the last 3 years especially. However, until they win a round in the playoffs (kind of like Toronto), it doesn't mean anything to me. I have to temper my expectations all the time because they never win a round, and I'm disappointed all the time :/. Which really sucks

  3. Nobody cares about respect for recent play. Any team worth a cup run shouldn't give a rat's A$$ what detractors are saying. foot on the gas boys

  4. The playoffs will be the ultimate test. Advancing past the first round would be a great sign.

  5. So, I live in Minny and this is what I have to say about our sports teams, I have absolutely zero faith in any of our teams, the last time that multiple Minnesota teams made it out of the first round was 2004, when the Timberwolves and Vikings won their first round matchups, and the time before that would be 1991, with the Twins and North Stars. And of course, the last time a major Minnesota team won their respective championship was the Twins. It's the Minneapolis Curse, I don't see any Minnesota team going far, maybe not even past the 1st, and we'll be lucky to get to the 2nd and even luckier to get to the Conf. Finals. As much as I'd like to see the Wild, hell any Minnesota team in the finals, I know it won't happen anytime soon. This is the entire reason I don't root for any of the Minnesota teams anymore. Go Canes.

  6. I have been and will be a wild (and Vikings and Twolves and Twins) fan my whole life, so I know the pain and I know why we don’t get the respect I think we deserve from most people. It just rubs me the wrong way however when our game is on a national broadcast like TNT against the avs the other night and it’s “Makar is really having problems with his skates” and “Makinnon is having an off night”. Why can’t Freddie be faster than him? Why Can’t Gus just be playing out of his mind? Maybe we are a good team and deserve to win. (I’m fully aware that 3rd period was a 20 PK😂)

  7. I always smack talk the Wild, because they tend to choke at some point during every season. They're good, though. Very good. Potential Cup run good, and that's coming from an Avs fan. The Wild and the Kings are my dark horse cup contenders this year.

  8. They are good but you have to win in the playoffs to get respect in this league. I still don’t think anybody can take down Colorado in the west, but we shall see how it plays out this year

  9. To answer the video's titular question: no.

    When the Wild win a round in the playoffs for the first time since 2015, we can start talking about respect.

  10. Big wild fan here. From MN. Been a bit of an up and down year. When Kappy goes down I will admit I said RIP season. But Boldy looking like fiala is back on his line. Goaltending makes me feel like were actually a contender (biased probably).

  11. Blues fan here. Minnesota deserves loads of respect. 2 years (seasons) ago, they bought out Parise and Suter. Then last year they made the playoffs. That was one hell of an accomplishment considering their cap position. Now look at them this year, contending to win the Central. I would say that they managed to come out of their cap situation unscathed. I hope Armstrong can do as well with his retool of the Blues.

  12. It’s crazy what guerin is able to do with what he currently has. The wild with kaprizov out right now only have 59 million dollars on the ice. Yet they are a potential cup contender. Incredible.

  13. I think Bill Guerin is a fantastic GM. He looks at the players on his roster as people and not just players. He believes that how each players personality fits into the locker room and the type of culture they are building is equally as important as how good they are as a player. Prime example was Kevin Fiala. Amazing player, coming off a career year with 85 points, Guerin decided to trade him. Why? Because of how he carried himself. He didn’t mesh well with the culture of the franchise anymore and. Played the pity party when things weren’t going his way. That’s the kind of thing Guerin doesn’t want. It’s not a championship mindset.

    Another huge reason why he decided to endure the cap hit and buy out contracts if Suter and Parise. They need new leadership and a culture change, and of course they were getting old and overpriced, but they had that Fiala mindset. That’s why Guerin brought in guys like Ryan Reaves. It has everything to do with culture

  14. Not worried about the Wild not getting respect. The Wild haven't won a playoff series in 8 years despite making the playoffs all but one of those years between '15-present. I don't know if this team is good enough to make a deep run, but they need to get out of the first round for people to start giving this team props.

    I'm glad Shannon is taking notice of the teams' performance — this video helps layout how great a run the Wild have been on during the last 6 weeks. It's been fun!

  15. Where are you getting this info that Kaprisov is skating end of week? I've scoured the internet.

  16. I understand why they don't get respect. But if they go into the next two games and beat Vegas twice and possibly have the best record in the West, without Kaprizov and with $12.7m in buyout penalties, they will earn some.

  17. I'm a die hard wild fan, I love this team. The Kaprizov injury has been a blessing in disguise (Just to be clear I don't want my boi hurt lol) But what has been beneficial is that the rest of team now know they can win games and score without him. They needed that confidence boost and to understand they have a lot of potential without Krill. So now when Krill comes back… Boy I have a feeling they are going to be great! I feel more confident about the playoffs this year than last year, that's for sure.
    I'm also just glad we are not going against the damn St Louis Blues in the first round of playoffs, they are our kryptonite especially in the playoffs.

  18. Wild fan here, I am cautiously optimistic about this team. I think that we are gelling at the right time just hope it is not too soon.

  19. As long as we keep playing entire team offense when Kaprizov comes back we should at least come close to winning a playoff series

  20. The big thing with the Wild is they’re getting hot at the right time. Normally we’ll have a good season and start to decline and show cracks right before the playoffs, and lo and behold we get eliminated. This time tho we’re going in with momentum. I’m not saying that means the result will be different than previous years, but we absolutely have a great chance to make some noise

  21. I think this is the year the Wild finally make a run and it’s precisely because expectations are low and Gus.

  22. As a wild fan unfortunately they will choke in round 1 or 2 it happens every year. They play good for a bit then choke.

  23. As a Minnesotan… I have not seen a championship in pro sports since 1991. The Twins won… I was 2 yrs old. A good showing would be nice. I just know that when Hartman is scoring… the team is dealing!

  24. Here’s my take as a DIE HARD Minnesota Wild fan:

    The hype is absolutely real with this team. I attended the game at Dallas on Feb 17th and we weren’t looking hot. Verbatim, I say, “this is the game that turns the season around.” Low and behold, 16-1-4 since that game.

    A solid quote I heard from Judd’s Hockey Show (MN podcast) stated that last year’s Wild team looked like the 2022 Vikings. Fun to watch, but not sustainable in the playoffs. This year’s team is built with far more depth and plays solid defensively. The goaltending this year has been something special…

    We’re BUILT to make the run, but coaching has to come in huge come playoffs. Dean botched the coaching last year in the series against the Blues. He and the team learned a lot from that series.

    The Kaprisov injury turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the rest of the team has to adjust and pick their game up as previous to the injury, statistics showed how heavily we leaned on Kap. This is gonna be a fun team to watch come playoffs. I’m excited to see what the boys can do! SKOL WILD

  25. As a Wild fan, I don't want the respect/recognition just yet. This team is buzzin' and the comradery is second to none in the NHL at this very point. The team chemistry is outstanding. Bill Guerin has given this team a fighting chance, despite the atrocious cap space issue. Being said, he should absolutely be at the top of the list for consideration of the Jim Gregory Award. Hope this team makes a run, we Wild fans deserve it!

  26. I love your analytics! Great job. Everyone is stepping up now. We'll see tonight against a great Vegas team. And it's a home and home.

  27. They were completely dominated by Colorado in the 3rd period. Doesn’t bode well for a 7 game series. Hard to win 4 games like that.

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