@New York Rangers

Dan Milstein on the Canucks adding his client Vitaly Kravtsov

NHL Agent Dan Milstein joined the guys to chat about his client, Vitaly Kravtsov, joining the Canucks over the weekend.


  1. Dan Milstein is a little prickly towards the media isn’t he? Has Donnie ever trashed one of his clients? I’ve always thought Donnie is one of the fairest commentators around Vancouver.

  2. I love Dan Milstein’s interaction with Donnie & Rick.
    You can feel the love between all three fellows .

  3. Dan Milstein would be a fantastic government propagandist. His clients can do nothing wrong. Deflects criticism like I’ve never seen.

  4. Milstein is dangerous. No logic, just cries xenophobia. didn't like the joke "future considerationsov" and made it an attack instead of a non issue. which it is. I hope Russian players learn the difference between someone looking out for their interests and someone trying to narrow their markets based on bad interactions. He has no time for anyone now that people don't like Russia as a whole and assumes everyone is out to get every Russian player. Ovechkin with his Putin shit is a bit different but no one is going after these other players. Find a new agent guys.

  5. No more Russians, what is this team Moscow? Start getting some good Canadians. There are a lot of good Canadian players in CHL!

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