@Winnipeg Jets

Rick Bowness Comments on his Players’ Effort Levels During the Loss to San Jose

Rick Bowness Comments on his Players’ Effort Levels During the Loss to San Jose

by CoolWhiip


  1. mothereffinb

    Bones has made these comments through the media before. The players haven’t responded. Time to put them in the press box and let them watch players who actually give a damn take their spot.

  2. bigdadE420

    It’s sad seeing bones getting hung out to dry by our top lines. Hope Lowry gets the C next season.

  3. CaptGinB

    That was a statement game last night. Too bad the statement is that we need the core blown up.

    Get rid of Scheifele. Such a wasted talent with his crap attitude.

  4. eutectic_h8r

    Just call out Scheifele directly at this point. The fans aren’t blind, they watched the same game you did.

  5. JohnnyWaterbed

    You can be meticulous about what you’re saying, but the body doesn’t lie, and that was the eye roll of a man who has had enough with this shit. He’s far too nice of a guy to name names and shred Scheifele publicly, but I feel like he’s about to go full Torts on 55. And I, for one, would like to see it.

  6. Goldwings13

    Bench them. There’s no way it could get any worse, because right now, we’re at rock bottom with this level of effort and emotion. So what if we’re technically in a playoff race. Those guys don’t care one way or the other. So what if Calgary or Nashville passes us? They probably will anyway. Send a message that this cannot be tolerated anymore.

    If you keep them in, and continue to let them get away with this, we’ll either squeak in as the second wild card and get swept by Vegas/LA or, more likely, miss the playoffs. And for a team that was in first place in the Western Conference in mid-January to miss the playoffs altogether, that will have to be addressed with major changes.

  7. freshstart102

    Thing is Scheifs has tried Bowness’s way and he had a couple of games where he looked like his sophomore self. Fast, focused, physical and intense….and he was contributing. Forgot about all his curling at the O blue line and got the puck deep with speed. There’s a time for curls when you’re 1 on 1 and your flip pass along the blue line gets retrieved by your teammate for a breakaway and not picked off and going the other way by the back checker whose caught you or the 4 others waiting for you just across the blue line. He didn’t have to worry about his shitty D game because he always had the puck in the O zone. Scheifs needs to sit down by himself and watch the video and make his own conclusions where he doesn’t feel he has to get defensive about it and I think as long as he’s got two eyes and a brain between them he’ll see that Bowness is right. Successful teams have far less to do with talent than they have with consistent work ethic and playing the game the right way. That’s fast, physical and getting bodies to the net and in front of the goalie at all times. 42 shots last night with maybe 5 or 6 dangerous ones but the goalie seeing almost all of them where San Jose got half the shots but seemed more dangerous because they were always going to the net and the puck was going hard into that scrum too.

  8. Originalreyala

    Lol. He can say whatever he wants but his reward to ehlers for working his ass off was a demotion.

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