@Toronto Maple Leafs

[David Alter] Keefe asked if he was surprised that Bunting was assessed a misconduct. “No, given the way the officiating has gone; Kyle will talk to the league.”

[David Alter] Keefe asked if he was surprised that Bunting was assessed a misconduct. “No, given the way the officiating has gone; Kyle will talk to the league.”

by JF_112


  1. Hiking_Quest

    Good, about time we started sticking up for our players.

  2. DangleCellySave

    Nice, great statement. Commented it on the game thread in r/hockey but still have absolutely no idea how Bunting got the two or the 10. Absolute bullshit

  3. Anus_Garage

    It’s absolutely ridiculous that a player can be targeted this way, not a good look for the league

  4. Allofthefuns

    It’s honestly probably in our favour that it has escalated to the point where something THIS blatant has happened. Has shone a huge spotlight and am more hopeful that it can actually be addressed and it will be more difficult for the league to not respond, rather than just shrug it off as nothing (like they have the past few months). At least this is giving us a CHANCE to have it addressed before playoffs.

    Edit- also fully aware there’s a good chance nothing will ever fix this, and buntings career ruined, but hey, on the plus side, so many refs egos saved by this sacrificial lamb.

  5. JimBeefLakeMonster

    Great hill to die in here lol, this guy is a goof, I would save this fight for a more worthy situation tbh

  6. blackb0xes

    Sounds about right. They’ve tried to wait it out and hope the refs would drop it eventually, but if it hasn’t happened by now, it’s clearly not going to happen at all. With the playoffs right around the corner, there’s no other option because their hatred of Bunting is out of control.

  7. Svalbard38

    But wait! If we upset them, won’t they just call penalties on Bunting because they’re mad at us? They might give him soft embellishment calls, or send him off for minor pest behaviour, or physically push him off the ice because he makes them so mad!

    Oh wait, that already happens? Lay into them then, Kyle.

  8. AhTreyYou

    It’s going to be rough playing against two teams at the same time in the playoffs.

  9. drunkimunki

    If the league keeps allowing this bullshit reffing every year against the leafs, they should say fine we aren’t paying into the pool to keep the fukin coyotes and all these other shit teams around. NHL should realize where their bread gets buttered and it ain’t in tampa

  10. SerendipityAffinity

    Guess who the ref was – Furlatt from game 7 vs Tampa last year. Called the pick on Holl.

  11. Wokonthewildside

    This is good, but bunting also needs to stop being such an embellisher, it hurts the team. This isn’t soccer and it’s embarrassing. He’s got so much talent why resort to that kind of garbage. Just play tough and play the game, they should have smoked Detroit tonight.

  12. BloodBatman

    Full quote from

    Surprised Bunting got misconduct?

    Keefe: “Surprised? I mean, based on the way that he’s been officiated of late, no, I’m not surprised at all … Bunts has got to do his best to stay on the line & in terms of how he’s been officiated, Kyle will deal with that with the league”

    Keefe on Bunting: “He eats 3 cross-checks & he gets taken to the box with it. I don’t know if he had 4 or 5 punches in the face in the scrum & he ends up with a misconduct so it’s tough for him, but he’s got to find his way through that & Kyle will deal with the other stuff …”

  13. MrNobody-

    I’m surprised I haven’t seen more talk of refs doing shady stuff in games with betting being legal now. I’m sure there’s people out there paying them do their best to make bad calls on players.

  14. stellosartois

    The thing is it starts with the Refs but ends with Bettman.

  15. Mdj81sauga

    Considering the leafs revenue sharing floats one third of the league, you’d think the NHL would show a little gratitude.

  16. Twsty999

    This is a nothing burger, save it for the playoffs. Right now, the answer should be – we have the best refs in the world, even still they can’t see everything. Over 82 games it all works out. I can’t get upset about one call in the regular season and for know we have to focus on getting better and ready for the playoffs.

    Then game 1 playoffs – we are playing two teams, the lightning and the refs.

  17. shanster925

    I say just keep ripping the refs in the media. That whole “but they’ll retaliate!” thing will be proven true, which makes them look even worse.

    Sure, you’ll suffer for a bit while phantom calls get called…. Just keep grinding through. In every post game interview list off the ones that were blatant, and also list the ones you agreed with.

    Put their feet to the fire; it worked with Ben Taylor in the NBA!

  18. desperatehouseknivez

    Bunting is a pest no doubt. But a 10 for that … pretty soft.

    Let’s not even go over some of the other examples in the league that go unnoticed….

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