@Buffalo Sabres

UPL on a warpath

UPL on a warpath

by Mean-L


  1. Level-Philosophy-501

    Team should have been playing competent defense all season. Team owes all the goalies a massive apology.

  2. Son_Of_The_Empire

    oh man my shitpost has LEGS

    (i can’t believe i forgot to mention that he was the January rookie of the month)

  3. LaruePDX

    He has all the tools. If he can continue to establish consistency he could definitely be our number 1 next season. I believe the path for Levi will be playing in Rochester and carrying the load there. If he gets 2-3 more starts this season and has an incredible camp he could get a shot at the Sabres next season. Rooting for UPL to continue to his strong play.

  4. Justblase716

    Oh wow now his GAA is a 3.6 and save % is still shit. Dude has 1 good game in you being out the form. Stop playing yourself.

  5. LanceManion16

    Other: I forgot we don’t play team d

  6. Roguemutantbrain

    He still has a slow glove. But he is super acrobatic

  7. 100explodingsuns

    I hope everyone who said we should get rid of UPL when he went through the typical ups and downs of goalie development keeps the same energy when Levi does the exact same thing

  8. Petition to make one of these for Greenway, he deserves one.

  9. Obviously the defense isn’t great but he isn’t that great to post this….

  10. doctormirdock

    What about the part where he was legitimately bad for a long time?

  11. Beechsack

    You forgot checkboxes about ignoring his tendencies to overplay / positional deficiencies, slow ass glove hand, five hole that you could march a parade through. and .891 Sv% this year.

    Guess I’ll just check “I don’t know puck.”

  12. i_identify_as_natty

    I think he’s fine as a #2, but cannot typically be relied on. I have a feeling that Levi being here is good for UPL because it takes away the mental pressure of him needing to be the #1.

  13. half_breed_duck

    He was okay last night. I’m not calling that on the war path. I personally think that Comrie has a lower ceiling and a higher floor. It makes UPL and him a difficult decision. UPL makes athletic great saves when he’s on, but his positioning isn’t as good as Comrie. They are both capable of being God awful, though. Levi got the benefit of what I thought was the Sabres best defensive game of the season, which is great.

    Honestly though, goalie is a toss up for who goes where next season. I think Comrie has gotten a bit of the Mitts treatment this year. People just soured on him and just can’t see that he’s pretty good.(yes, I watched the 10 goal game, and it doesn’t change my mind. I understand that the stats probably don’t agree, but goalies are voodoo for stats most times.) It just depends on how they want to develop Levi.

    Essentially, it’s a lot of words to say, IDK.

  14. slydog823

    These are my favorite. I fill out at least one a season for the Jets, Mets and Sabres

  15. He needs to work on positioning and his glove (big time) and he’ll be fine

  16. Buff716917

    Mine must’ve been lost going glove high

  17. RedditorDave

    I’m not quite there on an apology form. He’s pretty quick and I’m not sending him to the gulag quite yet but…

    He gives up too many rebounds. Never really absorbs the puck. Isn’t very strong post to post. Misfires with his glove. He can also badly read a play by being overly aggressive and not seeing a back door tap in.

    Needs more time. I give him a C.

  18. cpheretic77

    Let’s not get it twisted, we hung 6

  19. dumpmaster42069

    UPL and Comrie both still lag Anderson, right? Can we just acknowledge they are both pretty mediocre?

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