@Detroit Red Wings

Tonight’s Stat Card

Tonight’s Stat Card

by ForkzUp


  1. jhenninger88

    Trial by fire with Kasper eh? I thought he did alright, although the hand over the puck in the crease was a bad look for the penalty shot.

  2. Shotokanguy

    It’s time for people to admit that Ben Chiarot is actually a good player

    Surprised Kasper is at the bottom…

  3. DirtyDan-Asseater

    Kasper had a solid first game, could tell he was a bit nervous. Takes time and adjustment but I see some potential. Thought Edvinsson played well not afraid to jump up into the play and made some solid plays in the D Zone. Berg is an absolute stud and he’s only gonna get better, dude was all over the ice. Overall rookies looking solid

  4. Isphet71

    Chiarot-Maataa is a solid 3rd pair. We have to hope that edvinsson + ? Works out for pair 2 next season.

  5. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    Ben Chiarot is a good hockey player and worth what we’re paying him for. If we didn’t have him we’d be seeing Hagg, Oesterle, and Lindstrom every night. Even worse, the kids like Edvinsson would be asked to step up and help carry the defense at a level they’re not yet ready for.

    He’s also big and handsome, which has nothing to do with the above paragraph but seems equally as relevant.

  6. Gmanplayer

    Only thing I saw Kasper do all game was draw that tripping penalty by driving hard on the forecheck. Overall you’d like him to be more involved but he’s 18. I’m hoping for him to start in GR and season a little next season

  7. Chizzer19

    These stat cards are always really misleading. The Kasper line was very noticeable all night. So was Veleno. Yet they were apparently our 4 worst forwards? The other night, because Hagg scored he was our highest ranked guy. Doesn’t make sense. I feel like these stat cards are simply glorified +/- charts. If I’m wrong please explain. I’d love to really understand these things.

  8. aTyc00n

    I think you could tell that Kasper had some jitters. Nothing too extreme to worry about. Definitely have to work on his face offs though.

  9. naked_feet

    *Sees Kasper at the bottom.*

    *Sees Chiarot at number 2.*

    *Sips coffee and scrolls.*

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