@Vancouver Canucks

baker 3- dustin dollin

dustin dollins part in baker 3. The song is “Downfall” by “Children Of Bodom”


  1. I don't care what anyone says, it's absolutely one of the best parts of all time.
    I don't care if he's not quite as insane or technically clean as Boulala or some of these other cats, he's got style like a motherfucker. Literally oozes from his skating.

  2. When I was 12 this was the life I always wanted to live. Just living with friends and skating all day. I’m 25 now have no friends and don’t even skate anymore. Idk what happened majb

  3. This makes me want to start skating again. I was shit the first, and I'll probably suck this time. 🤙

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