@Dallas Stars

How racism in hockey affects Indigenous communities

On the latest TSN In Depth, Rick Westhead is joined by Logan Prosper, Conner Roulette and Davina McLeod to discuss their experiences with racism in hockey and the misconceptions that people have about Indigenous communities.


  1. Great and timely content. In Canada indigenous people have been the worst treated people. Systemic racism has been a way of life for indigenous people.

  2. As a half breed my first season in Seattle I found out first hand that some Canadians are just as racist if not more racist than Americans. We played against a city in B.C. and during warm ups and pre game all i could hear was people taunting me and shouting racist things to me and 2 other teammates, so I fought 3 times and then spit on a fan that threw a soda on me as i was on my way to the locker room. The difference between now and then is that we handled it on the ice or parking lot, we didn't go cry on social media about how our feelings were hurt and we sure as hell didn't virtue signal off the back of a tragedy….. But hey,what kind of hypocrisy can you expect from a country who's leader got away with wearing black face.

  3. Remember last year Ryan O’Riley had let some native kids come watch them St Louise Blues practice and hung out 🙌🏽👊🏽 because them hockey moms were telling them kids that “they didn’t belong there and play hockey”. I’m native my self. I deal with this racist stuff every time I’m in a city.

  4. This is still happening. WTF. I swear if I was a Father of any these kids. I would put a bounty on the other kids father. I'm not a nice guy when racicel stuff comes up. If I'm at any sport event and some other guy say something racist. I'm going to break his jaw

  5. Extremely exceptional interview with great insight and exposure of what Aboriginal Peoples in Sport face on a routine bases…I’m so proud of these young Aboriginal People sharing their experiences and goals…Especially proud of Conner, known this young man since he was a little tyke running around with a hockey stick and ball…Well done all, it’s one small step on making the awareness real to our non-aboriginal friends, neighbours and communities 👍🏽👍🏽

  6. To say these young adults don't know what they're talking about is not only ignorant but hateful and arrogantly dismisses their own lived experiences. They know full well what they're experiencing and talking about, and they have the courage to use their faces and names to speak out against bigotry. We need to hear from people of every age is we're going to not only understand the problem but start to fix it.
    I'm a Thunderbirds season ticket holder and it's a thrill to watch Conner play. I know he frequently speaks with other indigenous players to advise and encourage them. That shows a lot of maturity, courage, wisdom and compassion. All three of these players have demonstrated those traits. There are people who want to diminish them but plenty more of us who want to hear from them, watch them play, and succeed at everything they aspire to become. We need to let them know they're not alone.

  7. I know Logan from him being my neighbour since I was little I’m only 11 now but last year I quit hockey due to my coach being racist to all the native kids on my team and me being one of the skilled players on my team everyone was furious at my coach for being racist and we told Hockey Nova Scotia to not let him be a coach anymore but nobody has ever brought it up so I just quit the team to prove that something needed to be done but to this day nobody had ever cared that my coach yelled and shoved and whatever but he only did that to us native kids so really I was sorta pushed around but that’s because I’m one of the leading scorers in my league but something needs to be done about people like that

  8. My real name is Donald Googoo from We’koqma’q Cape Breton Nova Scotia if your curious about anymore questions

  9. Hockey is 100% racist sports we all know that just like those QB players become legends in football.

  10. ngl this was the worst growing up…I watched my bestfriends play peewee AA and bantam AAA hockey and witnessed racism first hand almost every game even if they played in county arena,didn’t matter what time of the day it was morning evening or night,that made me not want to watch my friends excel in the sport we all loved cus of all the hate I was hearing and seeing,not cool fearing for your life at a young age in another community smh

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