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Truls Moregardh vs Marcus Johansson | 2023 Swedish National Championships

©Swedish TTA ©SolidSport
2023 Swedish National Championships, March 23-26, Eslövs, Sweden

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I am a Offical Table Tennis Video Creator working for the International Table Tennis Federation and the German League Tischtennis Bundesliga.

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  1. Молодец Морегард, разобрался с а ля Младеновичем.

  2. У очконавта хорошая техника,не хватает скорости движения,а так , красавчик, конечно!!!

  3. Even though I don't appreciate Moregardh's throwing racket poor attitude, I have to say that he is a very smart and talented table tennis player; he may take 2 to 3 sets to figure out the opponets then reverse the tide in his favor as shown in this match. Good job Moregardh!

  4. Credit to Marcus, unorthadox with the anti spin …but he played very well. Funny i saw chatting to a friend who is a looping king but only plays in division 4 our hometown of Leicester in the UK…he was bemoaning the top players with almost perfect records in the division were both using these anti-spin rubbers.🤣

  5. Very interesting to see Marcus Johansson's playing style. I have never seen anything like this — I was always told to bend my knees but apparently Marcus Johansson doesn't need to 🙂

  6. The reason for this apparently surprisingly equal match between one of the best players in the world and an unknown swedish opponent, is that the opponent uses pimples on the one side. This makes the return balls very unpredictable (see explanation). Thats the reason he stands so much in the left side. He can only attack and make spin with the "normal" side. The other side is so to speak more or less "dead", but has the advantage, that he doesn't have to pay so much attention to Moregårds spinny balls (as the pimples very much neutralises the spin for him). Depending on if the opponent plays with short or long pimps, he can either make some strange flying returns with not much speed (which are hard to predict and attack on), or (with long pimles) they simply turn the spin around compared to normal rubber. Another huge advantage that makes it possible for such a relatively weak player to challenge one several levels above him is, that he plays with this bat every match, whereas his opponents maybe plays against a "pimpel-player" a few times a year. Unsportsmanlike and unfair in my opinion, to give yourself such an advantage just because of the choice of unothodox materials. (PIMPLES:With the short pimples out you get less spin but more control. With the long pimples out you can get different effects and reverse the spin on the ball).

  7. The guy that truls was playing against looks like a rookie. Doesn’t bend, doesn’t move effectively, doesn’t even twiddle the bat to have normal rubbers on both wings with the Anti or pimps as a effective surprise twiddle. This guy won’t go far with that technique. You need to have great movement and have great backhand and forehand for starters then rely on Anti or pimps as a surprise factor. He’s playing that style wrong.

  8. Anti spin rubber and anti spin players are a cancer in table tennis. Those rubbers should be forbidden. Unfair and unsportman. Not any sport ! Those clown players should have allowed to play only against each other in their own competitions. I think there would be not anybody interested to watch those clown-table tennis-competitions.

  9. Truls bir ara bu sporu bırakmayı düşündü…ilk kez savunma yaparken gördük…

  10. Трулсу просто лень работать, по этой же причине он проиграл Фан Жендонгу.

  11. New anti spin slogan. The new power anti spin rubber designed to make shit players look good.

  12. What is happening? How can Truls play an unbelievable match against Fan Zhendong and then barely winning against a random swede who no one knows?

  13. Great player Johansson…he deserves more credit than a lot of people on this forum give him I think. Can play really akward balls with antirubber and has a smoothless fh spin to score many points with despite his somewhat rightup posture

  14. so one week he's almost beating the world number 1. next week struggling against someone with limited ability but has a bat that enables them to frustrate players with much higher ability. this is getting ridiculous

  15. When you are playing against someone who doesn't move and doesn't have a backhand, and generally has an awkward playing style, but the moment you lose attention he suddenly strikes with a forehand that goes right through you.

  16. När Truls hittar på en annan
    variant av serve blir Han best I Världen!
    Det håller inte med samma samma serve hela tiden!
    Alla VET ju!

  17. I never thought that Magoo would be allowed to participate in any contest at all after his shameful attempt to cheat with the orgin of the racket rubber last year…..

  18. Marcus Johansson ' playing style is very curious ! It is not modern. It is outdated in high level professional competition. But it maybe the absolute champion playing style for players with much ages and for semi professional amateur players, because it require less physical streng and less athletic skill.
    It is interesting to watch how Marcus Johansson exploits an outdated playing style to create enough troubles and challenges to Moregardh at professional competition level.
    I think that once Marcus Johansson chooses this outdated playing style, he must become more actively find chances to switch to forehand strokes in any opportunities. If he can not attack from his backhand strokes, and he does not succeed to switch to forehand stroke for attack , then he should not hungry make backhand strokes when the ball is high, but he must wait for the balls to fall to low altitude (not higher than net) to make his backhand strokes to avoid create high balls again. Because when he can not attact by his backhand from high balls, then the more quickly he touches balls at high altitude with his backhand, the more he will send higher balls to his opponents : it is bad.
    So, if decide attack from high balls, then should try to hit the balls at high altitude. But once if decide not to attack from high balls, then should wait for the balls to fall to low altitude (not higher than the net) to hit the balls.

  19. If only at the time of the toss we could also choose to exchange our equipment with that of the opponent, that would shut the beak of many grumpy people who think that the racket is magic and that no one is holding it!

  20. I would advise Mr Johansson to also attack with his backhand, he would be much more dangerous!

  21. Johansson must have anti-spin or long pimple on the backhand because when he receives serve on the forehand side he will intentionally use his backhand to return the ball , making me think he needs a special rubber to return heavy spin serves otherwise he is in trouble , he has a decent forehand attack though .

  22. Surprising that he didnt know how to play an Anti-Top. Again and again he expected a reverse spin.

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