@Vegas Golden Knights

Ben Hutton Update From World Championship

Canucks defender, and member of Team Canada at the 2016 IIHF World Championship, Ben Hutton discusses his NHL rookie season, representing his country and exploring Russia.

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  1. this kids gunna be a superstar. great kid. glad he made the team. and team canada, well deserved

  2. Didn't Freddie Hamilton make the team? How did he beat out people like Horvat/Duclair esc. Or did some of the higher end guys not want to go so Freddie got the spot

  3. hey
    who ever runs this YouTube Channel
    thank you so much for all of it
    Stop Spoilers on the Thumbnail next Season please !!

  4. Ben is such a great kid, his attitude and gratefulness for a pro athlete is admirable, has to be his upbringing. For a professional athlete, he doesn't carry an obnoxious attitude. He plays hard during the game yet can smile and kid around. Wish more pro athletes would learn from this remarkable young man on how to conduct themselves.

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