@San Jose Sharks

Fan Reactions to Game 7

Pretty sure April 24 was the quietest day in San Jose history after the entire city lost their voice the night before.


  1. I was at the game. I don’t even remember jumping to feet. It was by far the most nerve racking & intense Sharks game I’ve ever been to. What I loved, is after the game, leaving the arena, everyone was hi fiving each other. There were no strangers after that game. We were all friends united together in a single emotion. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

  2. I live in Boston and fell asleep when this awesomest moment happened! ;-(! Get'er done boyz! And come to beantown to beat the Bruins! Bruins suck! Gooo Sharks!!!!!!

  3. Still the greatest moment in sport history I’ve ever been apart of. Looking forward to 2020! Sharks for life. I will never forget this moment being there live in person. Fuck the haters.

  4. My teacher called on me the next day and I wrote on a white board cant talk screamed too much last night

  5. I'm from NJ, and I'm a Sharks fan. I gotta tell you, 10 years being a Sharks fan, I don't think I've scream "Yeah!" for as long and as loud as I did after that Game 7 Victory. Incredible.

  6. By far the best sharks game I’ve ever been too! Never heard the thank that loud like I did that night! Amazing!

  7. You guys couldn't win a game 7 without Joe pavelski diving and without the referees help now look at you bottom of the standings where you belong

  8. I live on the east coast and had school the next morning, so I decided to record the game, wake up at 4:30 am, and watch the whole thing. Probably my best memory as a sharks fan.

  9. Too bad you guys couldn't win Game 7 without help that's the only reason why Barclay got that goal there's an Asterix you didn't earn it you weasel your way in

  10. At the time the sharks might have been the best team in the league, anybody disagree wit it , you can kiss my ass.

  11. No. The quietest day in Sad Joke history was after the Kings swept the Sharts out of the playoffs in 2014.

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