@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR16 – Game 77 – AsTSN Reese – Blue Jackets 2, Maple Leafs 4

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 77 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Columbus Blue Jackets. Highlights include a Auston Matthews scoring his 297th career goal which puts him 6th all-time on Toronto’s goal scoring list.


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  1. As a Cambridge lad and Leaf fan, cheering for him to do well and proud of his performance tonight!

  2. How funny would it bee if ZAR gets his hat trick and Steve forgets to name the video Zach Aston-Threese because he's too busy naming it 'Finally'

  3. Because Steve wants it to happen, the only way Zach Aston-Reese is going to get a hat trick is if it’s against the Leafs

  4. Am I the only one worried about the Leafs first unit powerplay? Heading into the playoffs and doesn't seem to be imposing at all. Second line PP usually looks better these days.

  5. Nobody ever said lgbtq people are not allowed at arenas and if they did its like 1 out of a million people. Being told you have to wear a shirt or else your a bad person is literally authoritarian behavior and the moment someone tells me that I HAVE to do something I will do the opposite. Tell me to wear the jersey or else im a homophobe? I won't wear it. Tell me I can't buy the harry potter game or else I'm a homophobe? I'll buy the harry potter gamer.

    Being authoritarian about "equality" is literally the worst way of going about it. Don't tell someone to do this or else…. I don't even understand how people can be so hypocritical and take forever to realize it.

  6. Player a fraction of an inch offside = Reviewable, No goal
    Puck baaaarely touches the netting = Reviewable, No goal
    Super obvious glove pass = Sorry stuff happens, nothing we can do

  7. Ones you realize that most Russians are not supportive of LGBT & are not actually made by their government to not approve of that lifestyle, then maybe Steve you will drop the issue. Russians are here in the NHL to entertain us. NHL is one of the few sports bodies that still allows them to . Because of the war & all . Russians are who they are, if you except their entertainment you should except them in full, warts & all . Or ban them like a lot of spots did .

  8. Well good news, the Leafs can't get hit with a "bad" goalie against the Bruins, since they've played 2 all season and the options are the best goalie in the league, or the 8th best goalie in the league.

    …Unless we get a debut?

  9. Congatulation Betman only took 50 years to turn our national game into the way RUSSIA wanted to play in the 70,s.We said no and beat em up lol..Good job.

  10. How about a day when you can feel how you feel, and not be shamed about it. All around. Live and let live. How about we just watch a silly sport and not everything is about a cause etc. How about everybody just does their own thing and doesn't need a spectacle made of it.

  11. I think sometimes because of how some in the lgbt act on the internet they diminish the reason for this games jersey event. I myself dont believe i should be forced to wear something i dont like for personal reasons. In saying that it does not mean im against the lbgt community we should all get along.But over on tik tok you have alot of crazy people making it look bad on the rest of the community. I myself have twice been attacked by a person of the same sex and have been repulsed by it that does not mean all are savage animals or gods castouts. We all have a role to play in life,to get along love one another and not hurt anyone a little different that the majority of us accept all kinds of people. So lets get on with life and accept all who are a little different disabled or lgbt or race color or creed. LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS YOU WOULD LOVE YOURSELF.

  12. nice haircut.

    Can we have the same audio balance applied to LFR as to SDPN, I know they're probably different mic's but when im on my motorcycle I can't hear you in my helmet unless youre… umm.. upset.

  13. Keefe needs to stop thinking he's some mad scientist, experimenting every game with new lines. The Willie-JT-Marner line didn't work at all and after 2 shifts should have been broken up.

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