@Los Angeles Kings

The Cult of Hockey’s “Oilers keep it tight to beat L.A. Kings” podcast

Let’s do this! The Cult of Hockey podcast. By the Faithful and for the Faithful, tonight with Bruce McCurdy and David Staples. They dig into Edmonton’s 3-1 win over the Kings of Los Angeles.


  1. LA has bullied the Oilers for a LONG time because they always had the bigger team… it feels so good to finally turn the tables on them.
    The Nuge is at 99 points…. and his goal was sooooo Clutch. The way the game was going you just felt FIRST goal will mean everything.

  2. Boston and Colorado are very good. I think a lot depends on Skinner. I thought he was good but, you know. He’s a rookie. But he keeps getting better and I’m hearing some Calder chatter. It’s gonna be fun!

  3. 2 shots vs 3 shots? I don't really know what that means… for either team. Lately the OIL have simply refused to get out the gun and shoot themselves in the skates. If anyone thinks keeping shots down is a recipe for success vs a team with the firepower on this one, well… they better not take ANY penalties either.

  4. 10-0-1 in the last 11 games, only 1 GA in the past 3 games. These guys are on a roll.

  5. at least you didn't say "begrudgingly". get it right. people who use that word and don't use cruise control on the highway should be sent to 'merica or possibly bali

  6. penalties in the playoffs? staples dude you are out to lunch — cram some bologna down your gullet

  7. I really hate the King’s style of hockey, it’s like I’m back in 2000 watching the Devils vs the Wild. You need a lot of meth to stay awake for Kings games.

  8. load management of the power foward. a good example was Mike Peca in 06. he saved it for the playoffs and was a difference maker that spring.

  9. They should change it to 3 points for regulation wins in the NHL. For OT; 2 points for the winner and 1 point for the loser. This will get rid of the point inflation the current system creates for OTs. In other words, there will always be awarded 3 points in a game whether it settled in regulation time or OT.

  10. Those name labels that follow players around are absolutely STUPID and obstruct the view of the ice. Anyways, nice bank shot past everyone, Darnell! That's one of the nicer EN goals we'll see. And Go Alberta, let’s have a Round 1 BOA!

  11. Nice coaching move by starting DR and Kostin flanking Drai. Would be good if Klim can become a solid defensive forward, with offensive potential. It also seems like Woody's getting them all to improve individually, and/or they are teaching each other their tricks. Nuge is releasing quicker like Drai, and Drai has put his own wicked twist on his own Nuge-type no-look backhand passes. Hopefully Bouch will learn to neutralize net-front threats the way Desi does.

  12. With their play since late January, the oilers should be first in the pacific going away. They need to do a better job of consistent play right out of the gate.

  13. Like it or not and with the possible exception of the first period which was a bit sluggish, this game closely resembled typical playoff hockey where defense is just as important as offense and that includes solid goaltending. And, the fact that the Oilers are capable of doing all three vital functions with the added bonuses of above average penalty killing and a fantastic powerplay, this makes them a true contender for the Stanley Cup. Go Oilers!!

  14. Impressive back to backs vs the Kings… proving this team can crank it up a notch with tenacious D of its own and have the patience to stick to it when they don't get the instant offensive payout initially. That is a huge step in team maturity. Eckholm has been gorilla glue for the defensive framework of this team…. Holland found the right fella. His salary is the best deal in hockey as he teaches the young guns on D how to position themselves ~ all of a sudden these guys are in the right places all over the ice blocking lanes that were wide open earlier in the season.. LOve watching Evander lead the team with 8 hits…. this team is a physical juggernaut this year. I think the Av's have some real competition this finals.

  15. That's because Michael's started with statistics on how many periods Edmonton hadn't been scored on. To many statistics for my liking

  16. Yet another important game, down the stretch against a divisional rival that this die hard fan couldn't see because of "regional blackouts". God I hate this league sometimes. Why do I pay for a sports package as part of my cable subscription if I get a blank screen whenever my team plays on tv? Frustrating.
    Go Oilers Go!

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