@Calgary Flames

Post-Game | Kadri – 04.04.23

“Tough one to lose.”


  1. as much as I hate to admit it, you cost us the second goal, you should have taken the fuckin hit and made a proper pass to Stecher!! I am disappointed. Yet, good on you to come out and talk but get back in there and get some rest, there is a bigger game tomorrow and hopefully you can get your mojo back. this was defn. not you today I am not happy Naz. go make amends from this point on. get on a scoring spree so this can be forgotten and hopefully it will be insignificant.

  2. Kadri dont beat yourself up and just take responsibility remember flames fans we won 4 games in a row just your heads up we'll get there

  3. Kadri you need to step up !! Take responsibility for your mistakes !
    Way to often you give up the puck and it cost the team..
    For a guy making 7 + million… you sure don’t play like your worth it . All everyone sees, is you always have an excuse ! Weather it be someone else’s fault or the coaches fault..
    I sure hope Calgary releases you in the off season.
    You can go wine in some other city you baby

  4. $7 Million per year until 2029. -19 on the season. The only other player in negative double digits is Lucic. 🙄

  5. Take your horrendous term and lack of braincells to the Swiss league. Absolutely unbelievable performance at this time of year.

  6. YOu know Sutter needs to tell the whole team "You can lose to shit teams" like 1000000% more since it
    Builds confidence
    Like his every press conference before each game where he says" Well every shit team is good and its soooooooooooooooooooo hard to beat !!!… hey guys??? It 's super hard to win!!!!!!!!1 YOU guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS HARD TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So now I will make it as hard on HUbby as possible, even if my decision ruins him and our team. HUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NOW RIGHT WING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will play my 115 point LEFT WINGER on right wing for 60 games.
    Im Sutter. Im a genius. Playing HUbby 60 games his off wing he had 12 minutes playing his entire career since JR?
    Sutter is to blame for this insane decision. Give me Burebe and ex Flame or Lanny.
    THey would at the fucking east…
    NEVER TAKE A 115 PT LEFT WINGER and play him right to be BIG BAD COACH.
    We would be 2nd if Hubby [played his wing 100% this season. Fact

  7. Good players take some accountability for when they make mistakes….not this guy

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