@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Bring on the brooms

Just bring on the brooms already … but this time bring the kind that clean house.

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  1. Have you ever seen one of these dash cam videos?

    There's a car flying down the highway and it's literally missing a wheel. The rotor's grinding against the pavement. It's glowing cherry red and sparks are flying everywhere. But somehow the driver's completely oblivious, and just keeps on going.

    That's this Penguins team.

  2. Yea it’s over end of an era. Sucks I honestly believed this core had a few years left. But all the boneheaded moves HeckStink made just accelerated their rebuild. They should’ve sold at the deadline like the Caps did and then retooled over the offseason. Instead they doubled down on a bad bottom 6. Just imagine Marino instead of Petry or Tanev and McCann with Poeling. They had other moves to make besides Over paying McGinn and Kappy. Also the same Goaltending problem since Murray left. It really is a mess. Petry making big mistakes making the roster even older. All these older washed up defenders when we had good young talent in Marino. Instead now we get a AHL Dman instead. They could’ve just not signed Kap and McGinn and that would’ve been room for Marino right there. Grandlund is fine but he should’ve had the Preds retain salary or something. Idk I honestly think we’ve seen the last of the playoff games. Even if they get in they gunna get dogwalked by whoever anyways. They haven’t beat a playoff team in ages.

  3. Only silver lining is hextall has to get fired when we miss it. He’s made around 12 trades and Rakell is the only one who worked out . Everyone else he got taken to the cleaners on. My concern started after letting McCann go to protect bluger and Carter. Been a downhill slide ever since

  4. DK, I was there last night 3 seats behind Sully. I didn’t even recognize this team: I wouldn’t say Unenthusiastic but no accountability or just playing to play. Like a kid playing varsity sports for the nice jacket. I actually feel for sully, some players DO have ambition but the cards are dealt by upper management are tough to work with but that’s my quick take. The devils played great and cool to see the wheels on Hughes. Young, fast, good set ups, strong and grit were the devils last night. Anyway, something else seems off with this team, can’t understand yet. Instagram comments from these new fans I call the Complainguin kids seem to know all of the right answers LOL. Maybe it’s all the small issues flashing us all at once since 2018. I’ll leave it to the smarter hockey guys. Let’s go pens, keep fighting the good fight. It isn’t over yet. And when it is this off season, oh boy..

  5. Pens are going to make the playoffs and upset whoever they play in the first round

  6. Sullivan’s me contract hasn’t even started yet😅😅😅😅

    The Pens are one of the worst run organizations in professional sports.

    The media providing cover for Sullivan is a joke. Take out the year and a half with those 2 cup runs, sullys coaching career is terrible. Stubborn and arrogant

  7. That's 3 hat tricks from the opposing team in the last 4 games. Up until that, I think the last hat trick this team saw in a game from either opponent was Kapanen's. Also, The PP on the road ranks 28th, and still the coach rolls out the same personnel with the same plan becuase heaven forbid you sit Geno, Letang or Sid, or even move them around just to try something different for Pete's sake. No, this coach is going to go down with the ship doing it the same way no matter how much things might benefit from changing this up. This is why you fire Sullivan. Not becuase he's a bad coach, but becuase they need a different coach. Sullivan is as stubborn as a mule and single-minded to the point of self-destructing. He has obviously been tuned out, no one cares about the repercussions of not following his instruction (unless you're Heinen, or Nylander) and this loveless marriage of coach and player needs to file for divorce.

  8. Did Crosby play last night? I listened to the audio feed and didn't hear his name mentioned once. So much for playoff push.

  9. Also, that's two pucks over the glass in the last two games for Petry, and this one on a PK. Can you say ECHL? He might be the worst Hextall acquisition yet, and makes more than Letang. A NMC? You betcha! At least Carter was lighting it up after he arrived, so you can almost excuse his contract extension to a point. Petry has been a bust here from day 1 and only got worse from there. Marino did good last night though. Shame they unloaded him for a player who'll never get a roster spot, but is probably at least better than Petry, P.O.J., Dumoulin, or Ruhwedel…aw heck, the entire starting blueline. Another bad pinch for Letang, with no F3 back and only P.O.J. as a safety net? That worked out well. But hey, he played his 1001st game. Woohoo! Milestones people, it's all about milestone watching from here until the three musketeers call it a career.

  10. You know who I feel bad for? Not Sullivan, as he's part of why this turned out this way, but players like Rakell who thought he was coming to a team with real potential to do things when he resigned, only to realize he's stuck for probably the rest of his career with less of a shot to win a cup versus the Ducks team he once played for. I feel bad for Zucker who dealt with his injury cursed 21-22 season and broke out this season to play his best hockey since getting here, only to watch everyone else around him fail and essentially call it a career. If he's smart, and even if they try to resign him, he leaves to chase real cup opportunities elsewhere, becuase it isn't happening here. I feel bad for Ty Smith who's had two teams now sit on his 1st round pick potential and essentially an NHL future by either playing him wrongly, or not playing him at all. I feel bad for Jeff Carter, who even though he can't play anymore, and should retire as soon as the clock strikes midnight, will be the scapegoat for the entire reason the season turned to crap, while the bigger problems that this team has are largely overlooked by fans blinded by their myopic idolization of a certain few who can do no wrong, even while their doing it.

  11. I agree with the overall take, no shame in losing to NJ, but it’s embarrassing to show up in that manner in such an important game.

    Rough go of it. I think they likely miss the playoffs at this point. How can anyone have faith in this group?

  12. Wow, I tried to be blind for it as long as I could, but DK was wright. The hard fought wins have become the exceptions, not these kind of performances. Blame the GM and some players as much as you want, and I’m not arguing that, but there’s a deeper, mental problem under the surface. Despite of all kind of moves GM’s made over the years, Sully was always able to pull out wins while the team was hit by a mountain of injuries. Players with lesser quality stepped up and performed better then we thought they could. Something in the back of my mind tells me that this group has built up to much pressure for itself. They speak out that they want to win another cup. They set up for it by extending Letang, Malkin and Sullivan last summer. They know these are their last chances to do it. And in the same time I doubt they really believe they can do it (or lost that confidence during the season for multiple reasons). Besides the discussion about a lack of quality this group just doesn’t seem to be able to deal with the expectations. And lost the fun within it. All I see is frustrations and outbursts. Where’s the “swagger”? Back to my blind side: get us into the PO when nobody expect it anymore, put the pressure on the back of Boston, play your hearts out and have fun with it!

  13. I thought it was obvious early on that the devils were wise to the pens. Was not surprised that the pens made no adjustments

  14. They don't deserve to go to the playoffs. Making the same mistake over an over. They don't even look like they care. The stubbornness of Coach Sully on not making changes. keeping certain players out on the ice when they don't deserve to be on the ice and thinking thing will get better is insanity. It's time for some serious changes…

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