@Nashville Predators

NHL Worst Plays Of All-Time: How Was That ONSIDE!? | Steve’s Dang-Its

Steve Dangle shares yet another example of one of the worst plays in NHL history, the play that forced the league to implement the offside review. The infamous Matt Duchene off-side goal.

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  1. I absolutely love your channel. Love the fact that you respect that players and officials are people. Lots of folks are quick to trash officials but as people we have to understand that mistakes happen. One day I will forgive Leon Stickle for 1980

  2. In soccer if something like that happens you are expected to give the ball to the other team, and they don't just kick it past you either, everybody kind of resets. You see it in placed like the Champions League. I know they fall down when a fly lands on them, but there is still some professional behaviour.

  3. Im pretty sure there was another goal like this involving the Philadelphia Flyers that might have been in the playoffs. that one was even worse.

  4. As an Avs fan living in a house with Pens fans, this video made me chuckle.
    I think you should have pointed out Avs/Sharks 2019 game 7. The hockey gods punished the Avs for bringing this curse upon the league.

  5. Man, that was a very interesting 14 minute video Steve. I’m so bewildered how that wasn’t offside either. And what would’ve been the outcomes for if that offside goal was disallowed.

  6. Yeah…lasted just over 3 minutes and had to turn it off. You are most profoundly obnoxious to watch and even more so to listen to. Subscribe to your channel??? I'd rather have a colonoscopy in the middle of a root canal.

  7. As a pens fan, you gotta do a video on the game 6 2017 cup finals where the ref blew the whistle and the goal didn’t count. God even though we won cup watching that hurt me for the Preds, it was such a bad call

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  11. That took me 0 replays to notice that was offside. How does the linesman say "no.. Not offside!"

  12. The real question is… What video would we be watching if this offside was called? (Because this video would be non-existent)

    Sportsnet would be 126 dollars poorer, too!

    Predators may have a stanley cup because that "offside" would not have been called!

    What else would happen?..

  13. I love how even the fans didn’t even get excited about the breakaway because they knew it was offside.

  14. 11:35 and that is going too far the other way…in which case the Preds get 💩 on yet again. Oh btw…that's not even ruled offsides NOW. 🤬 Thank you, Steve, for showing other fans how awful both calls were. Hopefully, we won't be 💩 on now, too. 😤

  15. The story is now not even over yet. Last night, in overtime, Nashville had too many men on nice. The refs made the call,…………………….BUT THEY CALLED IT ON THE AVALANCHE (who don't have too many men on ice). The Predators went on the power play, and they win it in overtime on a goal by………………………what do you know…………it's MATT DUCHENE!!! IT JUST CAME FULL CIRCLE!!! TWO TEAMS, TWO TERRIBLE CALLS, BOTH COSTING A TEAM THE ENTIRE GAME, AND BOTH GOALS SCORED BY MATT DUCHENE!!! IF THIS IS NOT THE DEFINITION OF DEJA VU, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!

  16. So for the duchene goal
    Since it went off an opposing player and into their defensive zone doesn't that negate offsides?

  17. Watching this two years later after seeing Matt Duchene get boo’d by Avalanche fans while he plays for Nashville is kinda funny 😂

  18. Did the preds touch the puck before ducane got the puck because if the preds touched the puck it is technically a goal just watch game 1 of the battle of Alberta in 2022

  19. Crazy thing is Preds coaches in those two “situations” were Trotz and Laviolette. Caps ex coaches

  20. The funny part of this is that everyone involved was a part of the Nashville Predators at some point

  21. The official rules say that if a player on the opposite team hits it back into their own zone, there will be no offside, even if an opposing player is still currently in said zone.

  22. This kind of counterfactual speculation is ridiculous. Final standings are made up of millions of small events. And "all else remains equal" is never how reality rolls.

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