@Nashville Predators

Nashville Predators CELEBRATE “PRIDE NIGHT” 8 Days After Transgender Incident! Woke NHL

Nashville Predators CELEBRATE “PRIDE NIGHT” 8 Days After Transgender Incident! Woke NHL


  1. Read the title, and thought it meant actual child predators/ groomers from Nashville were celebrating. Guess it's a good thing that no one really cares about hockey

  2. Lmmfao christians are so terribly persecuted huh? Americans choose to be more inclusive of the many religions that are practiced in this country, by saying things like "happy holidays" and its a war on christians. Christianity is still the majority religion in the US, though the majority of American christians are piss poor at following their own god, like yourself! So much hatred in your heart for transgenders. Im atheist and I agree that the Nashville shooting should be considered a hate crime. I agree that transgenders dont belong in their "identity" sports category! Gender disphoria is a mental condition, get you take any chance to shit all all transgenders because of a few of the biological males in womens sports, and the single transgender mass shooter! This is what the 3rd or 4th video of you practically pinning the Nashville shooting on all trans people. They are still human beings! I wonder if you even see the hatred you have for all of them? You wont hate on a christian mass shooter like this. You wont second guess your religion from any of the many christian mass murderers but you hate an entire group of people they have mental conditions. Its like shitting on all veterans cuz some have PTSD! Not trying to shit talk either, I like this channel, I like your takes, I just see a whole lot of hate for people you probably dont understand, but you waste no time shitting on them!

  3. Truly disgraceful how country music and the Nashville 3:27 hockey team unfuvkingbelievable
    ONE OF THEM KILLED 3 kids go figure

  4. Shameful. I just lost all respect for the Predators. Seems that the name really represents the team. Disgusting.

  5. WTF is wrong with that team??!!!…their city just experienced that tragedy at the hands of a transgender, and they have the audacity to celebrate pride night???!!!!….that team should be cancelled!!

  6. "Predators"? Somehow that seems appropriate! You'd think they would wait a while after the shooting to show respect; but they don't because they're hateful, intolerant, hypocritical creeps (as in "creepy"). They discredit themselves. The alphabet crowd should be investigated by the FBI, but that won't happen because the FBi has been compromised and politicized by Biden and his ilk.

  7. I'm NOT surprised. I have no faith left in the human race, and I have no respect for the woke NHL. The woke religion is very happy and supportive of a trans killer that murdered 6 people. As long as it's against Christians, woke people are totally accepting of hate crimes.

    If I were in Nashville, I'd NEVER go back to a Predators game if I hadn't already given up spending even 1 cent on the NHL as long as they push their new religion on us.

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