@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Jack Campbell 04.05.23

Jack talks about his game after the Oilers beat the Ducks 3-1 in Anaheim.


  1. I am too happy for this guy. He is getting the results from the work and focus. Love the team structure and puck focus these days.

  2. This whole team just seems first class, all the way. They all seem to really like each other! Great game Soupy! And Spector, stop with your team building questions! Just stop with your questions altogether. Just write your pieces based off other people’s questions!

  3. Hope the team feels good now having not just one, but two goalies stepping up their game. Can't wait for Game 83 🎉

  4. Almost all free agents struggle their first year with a new team. For a goalie, going to a team with a completely different defensive philosophy has to be harder yet. Hopefully the salary cap goes up enough that the Oilers can afford to keep him in a backup role, because when he's on is game he's a really solid goalie. Even for all his struggles this year, he's still 21-9-4, Skinner is 26-14-5. That's a solid tandem.

  5. If I hear one more team bonding question I will lose it. There’s clearly chemistry & Woody has already said MULTIPLE TIMES the best “bonding” exercise for a team, is winning games and we are doing that!!!

  6. i gotto say, as much as Campbell took everything on himself….our whole team now plays better D, far more urgency when they make turn-overs – they react quicker and they all react, not just 2 or 3 guys.
    Love to avoid making mistakes, but they happen and that hightened urgency makes a big different, imo.

  7. Jack's recent success is a reflection of a strong and supportive coaching staff and team culture. Congratulations to all.

  8. Nice to see a smile on this guy's face!! Love ya Jack keep up the effort man we know it doesn't always go to plan. That is life

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