@New Jersey Devils

Michael McLeod Hit Against Brian Dumoulin (Dual-Feed)

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Refs continuing to be the only 2 people out of 18,000 to not see a penalty. How much more obvious does it need to be for them to be able to see this shit. Both refs had an angle and would have been staring right at the play as they were the players going for the puck. PATHETIC

    The officials don't even deserve to get a respective talk from Crosby, they should be getting yelled at.

  2. This is out of control and Bettman should step up and drop the hammer , oh I think bettman is a šŸ’©sandwich

  3. I missed the game. Goodness thatā€™s a bad hit. Itā€™s happened a number of times, blatantly, this season.

  4. Thatā€™s the most blatant, vicious hit from behind Iā€™ve seen in the last 15 years. That should be a suspension.

  5. I think if doumolin makes some effort to stand up at any point during the play, the refs would clearly see something to call. They were multiple feet from the boards and he got a little shove to just about his center of gravity. I'm not sure what caused him to lose balance here but I don't think McLeod was expecting it and that's what the Devils announcers mean by not malicious

  6. People give Crosby a lot of shit. But I want him on my team. I didn't expect him to drop the gloves, but going over and letting McLeod know you can't do that shit in my house is all that is needed.

  7. I hate both teams. Itā€™s not about that. How biased are the Devils though. My god. The league will take care of it

  8. Yep. Thatā€™s it. Every sport should have computerized officiating with security guards to break up fights and announce the objective results of the computer.

  9. It's time refs get reviewed from 73 angles and 41 different speeds and then face suspensions , I mean c'mon

  10. Definitely a dangerous hit. He couldā€™ve had a broken neck after that play and the refs need to get their head out their asses and learn how to call penalties

  11. no offense…dirty shit..but Bumoulin does same sympathy for Dumoulin.

  12. The Refs did nothing and the Penguins did nothing. No one took one for the team and dropped the gloves. The Devils walked all over them, on the score sheet and otherwise.

  13. Why the nhl continues to allow checks to be delivered in the numbers is beyond me especially below the goal line so dangerous. Should be automatic 2 in the numbers 5 if malicious.

  14. Donā€™t care about either team, but itā€™s pretty gross reading all the whining for a penalty. A lot of lame ā€œfansā€, get of your soap boxes and enjoy the game, big hits included.

  15. This goof macloud should be suspended 4 rest of playoffs . No attempt to slow down Pittsburgh Penguins guys didn't even turn it from behind very sad to see this garbage hit from behind

  16. Not that the pens would've won otherwise (šŸ˜‚) but that seriously should've been called. Such a dangerous play. You know it's bad when the pens actually stick up for their teammate and get physical

  17. players should be allowed to jump the refs when they omit a call like this, watch them suddenly spring to life and actually do their jobs versus the bitter obsolete power tripping tools they are

  18. F penguins but damnā€¦ how was that not a penalty that actually makes me mad these refs are brainless

  19. Such a terrible no call and should be a suspension refs probably the terrible excuse well we didnā€™t see it happen refs say that all the time but no way you didnā€™t see that

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