@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jeff Carter’s Hit on Anssi Salmela after Samela’s Nice Goal

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  1. Clean hit it only looked so bad because his head hit the ice and he got knocked out. I don't think he should have been suspended.

  2. What does that have to do with checking my facts? The Devils coach gives the final verdict on the validity of a hit? You're talking about the same management that defended Cormier's horrendous elbow.

    @laxgoalie – I'm the idiot, but you play goalie without shinpads? That sounds smart.

  3. It was an attempt at humor as you obviously seem to be taking this personally. As in only the dumbest, least athletic kids on the team play goalie. Basically guys with weak stick skills that are slow as hell. Kudos though.

    Get a clue about the hit. Even if his head was up, he wouldn't have seen Carter, as he came from behind him.

  4. Proceed to get pissy though after it was pointed out that the basis for you saying it was a clean hit also didn't think Cormier should have been suspended. The "that's hockey" or "keep your head up" crowd have fallen behind the evolution of the game.

  5. The same league that didn't suspend Gonchar for his hit on Clutterbuck? Or the same league who didn't suspend Ovechkin when he intentionally kneed Gonchar in last year's playoffs? Oh, another good point by you.

    And obviously I have played lax, hence the accurate description of the goalies. If you think that the better athletes stay immobile and handle the ball the least are the MOST athletic, you'r e dellusional. That's like saying catchers are the best athletes in baseball…

  6. wow people calling this unclean amaze me cuz this was very clean he hit him shoulder to shoulder and maybe a little accidental head but for people saying it was an elbow pay attention closely and u see the elbow go up after the hit was finished not before it completely clean and legal and what the flyers r known for

  7. @Hopeannuoli First off, let me just congratulate you on your firm grasp of the English language. Good vocabulary.good "then welll see whos crying" does that mean that you are crying now? just wondering.

  8. sorry i dont talk like im in english class. i dont use haha or lol when im actually laughing. just put it in there to liven up the message..

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