@Detroit Red Wings

Bunting gets a penalty for flopping and being a pest, a breakdown (Jomboy takes on the Walman/Bunting situation)

Bunting gets a penalty for flopping and being a pest, a breakdown (Jomboy takes on the Walman/Bunting situation)

by matt_minderbinder


  1. This is gold. I was laughing out loud at the lip reading.

  2. mattyonice

    The problem with the logic of all this lands on a the fact that being a pest works on all levels UNTIL it stops paying off. Some would think that the well has dried up. Evolve your game, or eventually you become extinct.

    We had to deal with our own Sean Avery. 🙂

  3. matt_minderbinder

    The O6 thing and all our history is kind of cool but you haven’t really made it until you get a Jomboy video, right? I found it funny that this stuff is bleeding over into sources that rarely put out hockey content.

  4. BellsBeerBestBeer

    For some reason I found it very funny that Walman is younger than Bunting.

    And actually an edit after watching, a good pest doesn’t get penalties themselves and doesn’t get upset themselves. Bunting does both of those things regularly.

  5. Wheresthesass

    Love how Leaf fans think there’s a conspiracy against Bunting and Toronto. Keefe talking about how Dubas will talk to the league about how they’re officiating Bunting, when he clearly was pissed enough to bench him for all but two shifts in the third was equally hilarious.

  6. LordoftheBeards

    Please please please please let me have an Edvinsson v Bunting beat down

  7. Suddenly_Sisyphus42

    Bunting is such a dbag, and it looks like the refs finally got sick of him this season.

  8. frisbeehunter

    I think it was a reasonable cross check to call. The first one wasn’t really a flop. Refs don’t let people fight anymore which would curb bunting because I think he would get fucked up.

  9. DarkRitNighthawk

    You’d be crotchety if you were bunting’s age too

  10. fontinaliscoaster

    Bunting? More like singing for the fences with that dive…. Am I right?!

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