@National Hockey League

Girl gets Trevor Zegras signature tattooed on her. Puck bunnies are something else

Girl gets Trevor Zegras signature tattooed on her. Puck bunnies are something else

by DontTellMom420


  1. Adorable-Slip2260

    That isn’t what they are usually referred to.

  2. Duckzgo

    Looks 16 better stay away from that one Zegras

  3. shouldbeworking10

    Imagine if Zegras regresses and years from now she has to explain why she had a scrubs name tattooed on her

  4. SoberToDeath2

    Is there a reason Zegras seems to be so popular? He got the NHL cover after really not doing much lol

  5. 35RoliSmitty41

    Jesus this is cringy. Whats the plan here?

    “Here’s my tattoo. Instagram me and bang me”

    That basically it?

  6. Killahdanks1

    Not really, that’s how you get married and raise a hockey players kids

  7. SigSauerPower320

    Jesus….. That’s one loyal “fan”…. Also, Zdeno Chara owns being called “Z”…. She needs to come up with something else to call him.

  8. FamiliarEchidna4301

    He still makes millions. Maybe that’s what it’s about?

  9. I dated a girl with essentially the same face as this chick… Z better stay Tf away, them kind of chicks are wacko lol

  10. FatStupidOldMan

    You do you. There are honestly way worse things a person can do to themselves… for example, playing video games 8 hours a day.

  11. hawksvball2010

    If I’m her, I’m getting a real good temporary tattoo and banging an NHL player (which seems to be her goal)

  12. FriendsArentElectric

    Not sure if I’m the only person who despises zegras

  13. kweefersutherlnd

    Lol, OP jealous as hell he won’t pull a bad one like that.

  14. Wonder what her future husband will think about a tat of another guy. Hilarious

  15. NeverBeenTopped

    If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health issues, help is available.

    Somebody help this poor girl.

  16. ConcentrateSafe8751

    Reddit incels going full blast here

  17. jhick107

    In a world of ever increasing vacuous and attention seeking behaviours I am sure this young one is the first cab off the rank of a new cringey social media trend…..

  18. lemonbugss

    My stomach hurts I got such bad second hand embarrassment oh nooooo honey. Nonono. Not anyone but especially not zegras with his fuckboy vibes coming off him in waves

  19. ElectricalMarket2948

    I find this offensive and Zegras shouldn’t have to be sexualized as a male athlete. Unreal we live in a time when an athlete has girls throwing themselves at them. I demand we cancel all sexual advances made by women going forward to male athletes.

  20. Bad_Karma19

    Reminds me of the time a woman got a Jordin Tootoo autograph tramp stamp. Even the guys on the ice thought it was cringe worthy.

  21. erasedhead

    Flip genders and swap hockey player to Anime voice actress.

  22. JRAS-3010

    She’s from Calgary, we shouldn’t be expecting a whole lot in the dignity department

  23. wolfpac85

    i remember playing in college. Puck bunnies were the best. so much fun

  24. k__clark

    Not sure how this makes her a puck bunny 🤷🏻‍♀️

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