@National Hockey League

Time to pay up

Time to pay up

by Stanky3000


  1. Xarkkal

    All off-season I was saying that people were sleeping on Seattle.

  2. yodazer

    Outside of the flames, not bad. Jets fell off hard too

  3. chrishic99

    Hey you kinda got the Atlantic right almost. This is way better than what i predicted

  4. ulfhednar910

    I’d say it’s time to collect on that left nut

  5. AppaJuicee

    Move Calgary off the top and I’d say this is pretty darn close!

  6. benificialart

    I flamed him for the blues but I will now apologize for that he was correct

  7. According_Monitor_48

    Must feel pretty stupid now huh?

  8. larsnelson76

    This prediction is correct except for swapping Calgary and Seattle unless Pittsburgh beats out the Panthers.

  9. REAPER-1_xxx

    I would have thought at that time LA is too low.

    I had LA and EDM as 1 or 2 coming into this season.

    I had VGK, VAN and CGY as 3, 4 or 5.

    I did not see SEA coming. They have been awesome at times. The blueline was impressive at points.

  10. Starsky686

    Despite losing his nut that’s a reasonably accurate prediction chart. Gave two teams too much credit and two not enough. Out of 32. Not bad at all.

  11. JasonPlattMusic34

    Calgary in 1st was a giant oof

  12. fantasyhoced

    Little did we know he already had the left nut removed.

  13. Juror108

    I think all NHL data posts should be in rainbow colors. Go pride!

  14. wolfiekiba85

    Oh someone loses a nut. And wtf why calgary. It’d be nice for them to show up in the playoffs but. They are no where near where they were last year

  15. TheLyingProphet

    switch jersey and flames and he is close enough to feel proud

  16. T-MinusGiraffe

    What happened to Philly this season? I know they weren’t expected to be good, but why the strong start? Or were they unexpectedly good then something went wrong.

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