@Carolina Hurricanes

Seabrook Boards Svechnikov, Martinook Makes Him Answer For It

Chicago Blackhawks’ Brent Seabrook lays a dangerous hit on Carolina Hurricanes’ rookie Andrei Svechnikov, Jordan Martinook jumps in to defend his teammate.


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  1. You don't mess with Seabrook…he'll kick your ass! little hit to the back and the russian collapses like a limp noodle.

  2. If you looked at Svechnikov and how he put himself into a vulnerable position. legs spread wide, and he's leaning way over without bracing himself for a possible hit. Any slight push and his face will go head first into the boards or the ice. Its the defensemen job to put him up against the boards in order to take control of the puck.

  3. Hawks fan and that was a dumb move, Seabrook getting worse in all aspects every game…

  4. why do all the other players of to come in let them fight stoping them is only adding fule to the flame let them fight and get it over with and move on but no fighting is bad but throwing a guy head first into the bords is 2 minutes the nhl what has happend to you

  5. Chicago players see their teammate lay dirty hit, go over and jump the guy who's trying to defend his injured friend, jeez I'd help out the guy who's hurt if it was either my team or other team

  6. Refs are pathetic this year. Embellishment isn't being called, anybody who back talks a ref for their god awful officiating gets a 10 minute misconduct because the refs are offended little babies, and for some reason everything goes to 4 on 4 when it should be a powerplay. What an absolute joke.

  7. Another great example of what is wrong with the NHL. If you can't defend your teammate after a dirty hit like that without being the only one penalized for it, that's when we're I'm real trouble. That's when the rats start to take over the game because there will be no answer since everybody gets a penalty for defending their teammate. He wouldn't have done that again if he played during the Gretzky era, others would have taken care of him. But sadly, the NHL does not want that anymore but, apparently, rather have dirty plays like this.

    Edit: also, only 2 for Seabrook is a freakin joke

  8. The hell were the other Blackhawk doing jumping in on the fight? Idiots…

  9. What pissed me off is how the other Blackhawks wouldn’t let them go Seabrook should’ve had to answer for that play oh yah and that should’ve been 5 game what a joke

  10. It almost looked like he went to hit him but didn't expect him to fall over. But still his back was turned don't hit from behind

  11. Thats 2 min at best lol. Hardly even hit the guy and it wasn't even directly on the numbers lol. Bias commentating.

  12. Not joking he should be suspended for a game that shit can be as dangerous as concussions or worse

  13. Why does seabrook not have a matching rough. Why do the other hawks that third partied not get something for making it a 3v1. That’s bs. Fighting was simpler. If you made a bad hit someone came over said “let’s go” and you fought. The original penalty then 5 each for fighting no arguing

  14. I'll never understand the reason why they are more concerned over head shots than these checks. These are the checks that are instantly called in minor hockey, and they should be more strongly called because unlike head shots more can be done to prevent them like not check when you see the numbers. Most head shots are incidental or caused by size mismatch.

  15. Wow Brent seabrook must be able to move a bus with that right hand.. what a teammate martinook is for protecting a guy who rammed himself into the boards

  16. Go figure the Hawks gets the officials help. What about Keith jumping third man in as well?

  17. Seabrook is done in the nhl. He does not have the skill t play anymore and has been resorting to hits like this more and more often

  18. Tbh martinook hits Keith the exact same way right before Seabrook hits svech. I dont honestly know why svech went into the boards the way he did but It shouldn't have been that bad. I guess svech lost his footing?? Carolina should have been on PP at least though

  19. That’s a god damn shame, Seabrook should be suspended for that atleast 2 games. Dirty hit all the way saw the numbers.

  20. Oi, that was a bit greasy. Seabrook needed to slow up. He was too close into the boards, and directly behind Svechnikov. Not a wise hit.

    I dunno about this video title though. Martinook making who pay? Granted, the other Chicago players didn't really give them any time to fight.

  21. Are you kidding me! Martinook got a roughing minor, both Seabrook and Martinook dropped their gloves until Duncan Keith & John Hayden started throwing punches.

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