@Florida Panthers

Rick Nash Hits Sergei Bobrovsky

Rick Nash hits Sergei Bobrovsky in the second period of the Blue Jackets vs. NY Rangers at NWA.


  1. I'm no ranger fan. But that doesn't mean that I am biased. Bobrovsky was antagonizing Nash throughout the game. If a goalie flung my stick as I was attempting to pick it up, instead of hitting him in his chest, I would have socked him right in his face. And that was a goal! It's not Nash's fault that Bobrovsky came to the edge of the crease! The rules in the NHL today are so ridiculous.

  2. Nash just because you tripped over bobrovsky and, he has your stick doesn't mean you push but, anyways Nash you had it coming either way.

  3. Are you guys all blind and fucking stupid?  I'd hit/push/punch/fight anybody who hits my stick away like that, dick move on Bobrovsky's part.  Bobrovsky is the sour little bitch in this scenario for hitting Nash's stick away, LITTERALLY A HAND GRASP away from picking it up.  DICK-HEAD RUSSIAN, WHAT'S NEW?

  4. That was a goal. Not Nash's fault bobrovsky came out of the crease to play the puck. And that's coming from an islander fan

  5. Nash tripped over a stick Bobrovsky, until then our goalkeeper Nash lifted up his bottle and then hit! In any case, Nash had it coming and he got!

  6. poor sportmanship by Bobovsky. he knocked Nash stick away as he was going to pick it up. Nash shouldda hit him a few more times.

  7. and at that point everything Nash did as a hero for Columbus was thrown out the window

  8. I'm a diehard Columbus fan but when this happened I seriously started to doubt the class of the fans in Columbus. Nash was in the right here! I'm sure if this happened to any of you, you would react the same way!

  9. please don't run into goalies. we got a lot more gear on, not really skating around all that far from one spot, making us sitting ducks, cheap shots are usually becuase the player is pissed they've been robbed so much

  10. Зря он вратаря ударил…Я так понимаю за Бобровского там вся команда биться будет….

  11. Rick Nash is the dick here because Bob knocked Nash's stick away and knew he'd be protected if Nash did anything back? CBJ fans aren't being honest if they say Nash was in the wrong.

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