@Calgary Flames

Thank you EVERYONE, for such an awesome night last night!!!!

I honestly don’t even know where to start.

I wanted to come on and thank everyone for last night.

When I first got the tickets for Bob, it was supposed to be just one more thing we did together during the time we have.
When I decided to up the ante a little, and do something extra for him to remember, I had no idea how far this would go.

To my wonderful Stacey: Thanks for all the help with the sign. And for always being so willing to be involved with, and support all the shenanigans I get into with the old guy.

To Jrfm:
Thank you so much for picking my text as a contender for the weekend allowance contest! You really were the push to get the ball rolling!

To the Jrfm FAMILY:
Thank you all for the votes!

To the Jrfm listener who ultimately decided the tie breaker giving us the win:
I owe you a drink, sir 🍺.

To the people of Reddit:
Oh my god I owe you guys a world of gratitude. Your comments and upvotes brought more attention to my post than I could’ve imagined. What culminated was because of you!!

To Kris and Julia from Calgary: You two are absolute rockstars! What you went through to get there and get in, and to still try and just GIVE Bob the foam hand… Words can’t properly express my gratitude to these two amazing people.

To Ryan Dittrick: You sir, are forever a legend to my family. I can’t even begin to imagine how chaotic and busy your life must be, in the role you are in. And still, you took the time to read my post, and decided to take action on it. Your kindness was over the top. And what you guys put together for Bob in such a short time will be a cherished memory for life. His and mine.

To Nazem Kadri:
Thank you for taking the time to make an old man’s day. He was so excited it was you! You’re his favorite player (and you were my favorite when you still played for the Leafs…we miss you in blue 🤷‍♂️) and he will probably have that jersey framed he loves it so much.

To Mangiapane:
Thanks for the puck! It just added to the list of things I hoped to achieve for him. Thanks for reading your fans’ signs. I see a lot of players that don’t take the time to engage their fans.

✊ MUCH RESPECT!!!! So many people came up and said hi to Bob. Some recognized him from the post and already knew his name. I’m pretty sure he felt like a celebrity last night. You guys are GREAT at razzing the Canucks. (ALMOST as good at it as leafs fans 😂)

To Craig the Saddle dome usher:
What a crazy chance encounter! What are the odds of you and Bob being from the same neighborhood of Calgary all those years ago?!?!? Let alone bumping into him and discovering it. I could tell he really enjoyed chatting with you!!! Hit me up for his contact info!!

If there’s anyone I’ve forgotten, I apologize. We’re both still floating from the fun we had yesterday.

[Here is a link to the Calgary flames TV feature they did](

[Here is just a small album of some of the pics from last night.](

Thanks again everyone!!!!


by marconiusdgr8


  1. sugarfoot00

    That’s so great the way it all worked out. And thanks to you as well Mark for getting it all going and persevering. You put the right energy out into the universe, and the universe responded in kind.

    It looks like Bob had a great time!

  2. Hairy-Button

    I think I saw Bob but I wasn’t sure and my phone was dying! I was in row 21 and gate 120 or 102 and feel like I sat right behind Bob. Glad you guys had a great night!

  3. 16NikitaZadorov16

    Saw you guys on the Flames facebook page this morning…. great story! And what a game to be at eh… the second part of the overtime was amazing!!

  4. marconiusdgr8

    We were center ice, front of the upper bowl. 323

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