@Toronto Maple Leafs

Matthews, Leafs eager to see what Knies can bring to playoff push

The NCAA season ended on Saturday night when the Quinnipiac beat Minnesota in overtime in the national championship game. College players are now free to turn pro and the Maple Leafs are waiting on a decision from top prospect Matthew Knies, a sophomore at Minnesota, who was named a finalist for the Hobey Baker Award. Mark Masters has more.


  1. everyone here gonna judge a kid that hasn't even entered the league. he's obviously a very good player and a lot of players have shined immediately after school (i.e. caufield, kris kreider, kerfoot not so much recently). give your head a shake, there is a reason you're on youtube watching these clips instead of scouting kids to go pro.

  2. He will be a solid middle 6 forward and have great opportunity with Leafs next season playing on a line with Tavares or Matthews

  3. He definitely has the size and tools but jumping from the NCAA to NHL is a big jump, hope he gets a few games in at the NHL level to see where it is at but he should be starting with the Marlies get use to playing with men at the pro level, personally It would be better if he plays with Marlies during their playoff round , then come to Leafs camp better prepared for the grind of a full NHL or AHL season but a terrific prospect with the right development will be a diamond for the Leafs not sure if top 6 or bottom 6 forward group right now I would say bottom 6 to start ,

  4. He is ready for the leafs his last game his team could not hold a lead in the third and lost in overtime….just like how the leafs play …he will fit in seamlessly…lmao

  5. i'm a little concerned that dubas is burning 1 year of his ELC and rushing knies into the spot light 3 games in 4 nights against FLA , TAMPA AND NYR is a big ask good luck kid no pressure lol

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