@National Hockey League

The only player not named Wayne or Mario to have done this. Unbelievably Amazing!!

The only player not named Wayne or Mario to have done this. Unbelievably Amazing!!

by Kapeter


  1. WhatThePuck9

    I wonder which 7 games/teams it was.

  2. jeremylock76

    Might get to 8, they play the Avs And then the Sharks to end the season (and he probably sits against the sharks)

  3. From Oct 82 to April 86, spanning 4 seasons, there were 15 games total Gretzky didn’t get a point. Holy shit!

  4. bigdadE420

    Pretty sure 2 games were against the Jets lol

  5. Adept_Ad_4138

    Should be suspended from his hit from behind on Mike Anderson April 4.

  6. Starting to think this Gretzky guy mightve been decent at hockey.

  7. Fiweezer

    Why is like 4/5 of this just W A Y N E G R E T Z K Y

  8. BubbaSpanks

    He’s definitely in great company! Hope he can keep it up

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