@Los Angeles Kings

Death of A King – Jonathan Quick Trade

Jonathan Quick was traded from the LA Kings to the Columbus Blue Jackets. This is a slap in the face to Quick. What are your thoughts?

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  1. Rob Blake is a D-bag. Wow… what a stabbing to Quick. Send the veteran cup winning goalie, likely in his last or 1 of his last seasons, to the literal worst team in the league for a goalie who is worse. He's 100% right to be pissed, as is the team.

  2. Lots of Kings fans upset Kings traded him.
    Sentimental hogwash.
    This year, Quick has been hot garbage, essentially stealing $5.8 M from the Kings.

  3. LOL, even the video originator? Captain Overreaction.
    Blake gutless?
    He knew he was gonna take heat from those like you for trading poor victim Quick.

  4. Also, considering how bad every goalie has looked for us this year, maybe they should think about how horrendous our defensive zone coverage is every game. Our goalie stats are awful because we dont allow many shots, but the ones we do are glaringly obvious that they should go in. Korpisalo gaa is barely above quicks and belows Copley so well see how he stands with our d as well.

  5. As a kings fan and the biggest quick fan and have his signed jersey I must say he was HORRIBLE this year and we can’t deny that because we have to admit he’s older and he’s running out of fuel for the end of his career, but to trade him away at the end is beyond disrespectful for everything he’s done for he! Not even brown got traded but they trade quickie? Disrespectful

  6. I've never really been a Quick fan, but they should probably have just let him retire with the only NHL he had ever played for…

  7. Such a lack of loyalty from Rob Blake who bleeded the Kings dry near the end of his career. Turns around and does this. GUTLESS

  8. Korpisalo is not gonna be the starter as soon as he gets to LA. He’s gonna have to earn it. Copley is 18-4-2 !

  9. Heartbroken for Quick, imagine spending your whole career with the team that drafted you, you played for for 15 years, won 2 cups with. And right before you are going to retire with the team, they dump you for a couple of depth pieces. Ouch

  10. The jackets need to stop making these trades. We won’t get Bedard now

  11. I remember when he first came into the nhl. He played on this team where had nothing in front of him. Then finally got a team in front of him. He won two cups. He carried that team on his back. This trade is just pure disrespect to what quick has done for the team.

  12. I love Jon, and he’s a future no brainer HOFer.

    That said, this was a cold blooded bit of very good business by Blake. We got quality cover for Copley and a legit Top 4 left handed D-man for a 37 year old legend.

    Bittersweet, but the sweet part has a potentially big upside if we can keep the two of them this summer.

  13. I'm from Ohio and consider myself a big time CBJ fan, but I agree with everything you said. I honestly feel like he'll probably just retire and not even travel to Columbus

  14. Sad to see Quicker go, no matter what, 32 is going in the rafters. Kings had to sit him down because of performance, same with Petersen. I think that pissed Quick off, he believes he's got a lot of hockey left and his agent reached out to Vegas and Quick said make it happen and then told Blake to move him. Blake made the best move he could at this point in the trade window and was actually able to address two pressing needs. I hope they meet in the playoffs cause it'll be high drama and frankly it'll make it hard for this long time Kings fan decide who to root for!!

  15. I mean, tough pill to swallow for Kings fans… but the guys at the end of his career and. At least from a team perspective I feel like it makes sense to get something for him while he’s still got some value left. I fully admit I’ve never played and don’t know how to break hockey down or analyze it I’m just thinking like the Celtics trading Pierce and KG for all those picks years ago

  16. All you people are saying that Quickie was going to retire but he’s not going to retire. He wants to keep playing. If he was going to retire after this year then God yes keep him, let him retire as a King. I’m 62 now I’ve been a Kings fan since day one 1967. I’ll be truthful, I’ve been mad at the Kings for trading my favorite player more than once. So i get it, all the anger towards that trade. My late father told me that as a owner or GM of a team that it’s Damn if you do , Damn if you don’t. Every time a team resigned a player and doesn’t play that good, fans complained about that. What if the Kings kept Quickie and resign him and he doesn’t play good, then a lot of Kings fans would be angry at Blake for not trading him. I remembered not too long ago, There was a rumor a couple of years ago that Quick was going to be traded and I’ve read from fans of other teams were saying that They didn’t want Quick on their teams. They said that Quick in their teams . They said that he was too old, not that good anymore, all washed up. Now that disrespectful. I watched the game last night and when Korpisalo let in those two goals. Kings fans booed him. Wowwwww!!! And if Quick did asked Blake to trade him? How can you be mad at Blake for doing what Quick asked for? Damn if you do, damn if you don’t. How come nobody is putting down the Coyotes GM for not getting the return that they asking for Chychrun or Chicago for trading Patrick Kane? And don’t even say that Kane is old or washed up. I know that Quick will be good in Vegas, he looks happy to be there. Good for Quickie. I just hope that he knows that he was and always will be loved in LA. It was cause of him that the Cup came to LA.

  17. 100% with you man. However it seems the Kings have the last laugh as they are on their best run of the season since making that trade.

  18. Kings fans here. In fact I’m a huge QUICK fan. Supposedly they did talk about retirement and Quick wanted to keep playing also LA can’t carry 3 goalies because of the cap. He would not be happy in the AHL either not to mention Vegas would have picked him up off waivers for nothing. Yes he carried us to the first cup and came up huge for the second but he wasn’t the same player for a long time and the Kings wouldn’t be where they are now if we’d never traded away players from cup winning days for picks. As you mentioned Copley’s number aren’t that great, plus no playoff experience. Comes playoffs he’ll be backing up Korpisalo. Hate to see him go but the reality is that not making that trade for the sake of one person is actually not fair to all the young players that worked their butts off to get here. I do think that Quick will find his game and continue to play for a few more years mentoring some up and coming goalie. Heck, as it turns out Quick has just as much of a chance (if not more) than LA to win another cup with Vegas.

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