@Minnesota Wild

No update on Johansson. Evason called it a “cheap” play. Steel was sick, why he didn’t play second half of game.

No update on Johansson. Evason called it a “cheap” play. Steel was sick, why he didn’t play second half of game.

by DecentLurker96


  1. fastal_12147

    It was dirty as hell. Jets fans acting like Hartman going straight through a guy, with no contact to the head, is worse than that garbage.

  2. Fucking dirty is what it was. Damn I hope he’s good to go for the playoffs! Him & Boldy have been a fucking treat to watch play together, going to need him for the playoffs.

  3. HerbalAndy

    He seemed shaken up but after a few minutes he seemed okay. Pretty sure he kept telling the trainers “I’m good” or something like that when he was on the bench.

    But yeah what a dumb thing to do.. just cross checking in general but to the ribs where you have no protection in the final minute of the game?? Come the fuck on.

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