@Toronto Maple Leafs

“Zero intensity in that game.”Cooper up to his old head games again. Getting started early I guess.

“There was zero intensity in that game,” Lightning coach Jon Cooper said.

“I’m telling you, there was none. It may have looked like it from the stands. That was an exhibition game. It wasn’t even a regular season. Clearly there was a mandate going into that game….I don’t think anybody got anything out of that game.”

by dannybee66


  1. HemiKooks

    **Zero** intensity. LOL

    Cooper is an expert gaslighter. He can never take accountability. Things sure looked intense with every hit, fight and scrum after the whistle.

    Dudes team got beat by a rookie (supposed third string) goaltender, a defenceman as a forward, 34/16 out of the lineup and Schenn scoring/kicking Maroons ass.

    So tired of this idiots quotes.

  2. Svalbard38

    > I don’t think anybody got anything out of that game.

    Not true, Jon. We got two points and you didn’t.

  3. toedragrelease

    Sounds like he just doesn’t want his boys being too disappointed about losing too a thinned out Leafs team.

  4. -ArthurMorgan

    He’s right, you know. We iced our exhibition squad and gooned their NHL squad. /s

  5. Jonesdeclectice

    > **Professional gaslighter John Cooper admitted to ER for excessive copium overdose**

    Fixed the title card for you

  6. IlikeTurtles1308

    This is some classic Gas Lightning from Cooper. These fuckers spent the whole night trying to bully us, now he is trying to act like they didn’t care about the game 😂

    Deep down inside he knows Toronto is the better team, the Lightning are trying so hard looking to treat us like little brother, and that ain’t it chief. These Maple Leafs can compete physically with any team in the league.

  7. watson-and-crick

    I think he’s complaining about the reffing, saying that the penalties were called too strictly so the energy couldn’t build? At least that’s what it sounds like when he says “mandate”. What an absurd take, Tampa were just being the lil bitches they are, those scrums they’re starting are 100% their strategy

  8. DiscoLew

    Wow. That article was a steaming pile of bullshit…..

  9. justmememe55

    Oh man, I wonder if Cooper believes his own bullshit. If he’s truly that deluded.

  10. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    I wish writers, even beat writers for the team, would keep their personal biases and opinions out of it. I know that’s too much to ask, but come on.

    Saying you didn’t think Perry interfered with “Moll” (also maybe do a spellcheck?) is just subjective bullshit that makes you look like a whiner.

  11. goleafsgo13

    I really dislike this man. His constant gaslighting is childish.

  12. Steakholder_

    Don’t propagate Lawyer McDouchebags lies here. We don’t give a rats ass what he says.

  13. MatthewsSnipes

    They’re the biggest group of sore loser bitches in the league and coops the perfect coach for them.

  14. winkNfart

    i’d be making excuses too if my team went 0 for 12 on PP

  15. backstreets_93

    Lol people giving Cooper exactly what he wants. A reaction.

    All the dude does is get under teams skin in the media.

  16. TheHobo

    *record number of shots stopped by a rookie leafs goalie*

    Cooper: Best I can do is zero intensity.

  17. silentswift7

    He knows they are about to get smoked UNLESS the leafs allow their demons to take over.

  18. TMLeafs91

    HA! Looked to me like a full Tampa squad not able to compete with a disassembled Leafs team. Can’t wait for playoffs!!!

  19. Competitive_Ad2450

    We played without Matthews, Marner, ~~Rielly~~, *Gio*, Lafferty, Gustafson, played Timmins as a fwd, iced one less player, had our third stringer in net and were on the second half of a back to back.

    Tampa iced their playoff lineup and played as dirty as always.

    Leafs won, took all the physicality and returned it with interest, killed 8 penalties and played an overall solid game.

    Coop be sweating.

    Fuck the lightning!

    Ps Maroon got destroyed by Schenn and it was the highlight of my season.

  20. wicked_crayfish

    “There gonna take one guy from each scrum” his name is bunting.

  21. reggierock2010

    I find his little performances hilarious lol. He’s so scared of our team and knows their true potential is a Stanley cup team if we ever manage to get out of the first round.

  22. BloodBatman

    I mean, what is Cooper going to say? The Leafs played a better game without their top 2 players? Lightning players suck? Ofc he’s going to downplay the fuck out of this to try and earse this game from his players and the Leafs players memories next week. Dunno why people are getting worked up over a coach trying to prepare his team for playoffs

  23. InsufferableLeafsFan

    Tampa used to able to cheap-shot their way through the Leafs.

    Enter, Luke fucking Schenn.

  24. Odd_Leg814

    Zero intensity but 16 powerplays awarded, and your team puts up 48 shots….sure Jon.

  25. Murky-Smoke

    I am looking forward to this team being the reason Corey Perry gets denied AGAIN for another Cup.

  26. E400wagon

    Cooper always acts puzzled after a loss lol

  27. Deluxechin

    These kind of comments speak louder then I think Cooper realizes, “it’s a nothing game with 0 intensity” is what he’s going to say rather then “we just lost to our first round opponent missing their top guys, playing their backup and on a back to back” but let’s be honest, it’s what we all know

  28. TheCarrier89

    Lol ok Jon. It was quite obvious your team wanted that win badly.

  29. JonJonFTW

    I don’t put much stock in anything Cooper says. He plays the long game. What did he say after the Lightning crushed us 8-1 in one of our last games leading up to game 1? I don’t remember, but he probably didn’t say much about it.

  30. ImDrGoogle

    Whats his comment going to be when the Leafs eliminate them?

  31. FansTurnOnYou

    If you are going to let these types of comments from Cooper rile you up then you’re going to be in for a stressful series. It’s just pure gamesmanship. He does it every year. He is very complimentary of us during the regular season, but he completely changes gears come playoff time.

    Whenever we win it’s because they took it easy on us or the refs weren’t fair and whenever they win it’s because they’re a better and more experienced team and they deserved it. Simple as that. If a coach can absorb all of the negative attention for the team and make them feel more confident then why wouldn’t you want that? As much as we hate to admit it, he’s just very good at playing that role.

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