@Detroit Red Wings

Via Prashanth Iyer on Twitter: “Much has been made about Husso’s workload and I think it’s fair to question whether or not the workload got to him as his play dropped off substantially as the season progressed”

Via Prashanth Iyer on Twitter: “Much has been made about Husso’s workload and I think it’s fair to question whether or not the workload got to him as his play dropped off substantially as the season progressed”

by zze0001


  1. BaptizedInBud

    Same thing that happened with Ned.

  2. Yeah I think it’s more mental exhaustion than physical endurance. You can only stay tuned in so long when the team plays like they have.

  3. _Kramerica_

    As soon as we became sellers, they should’ve had Ned up here and lightened Husso’s load a lot. I like Husso a lot and really hope we didn’t burn him out like we did with Ned

  4. DoeJumars

    wonder if that means he is better served as a backup or if he just needs to work on conditioning/will be ready for it next year..

  5. ChucklesLeClown

    Probably didn’t help he was playing injured

  6. Maester_Brau

    What is this team’s preoccupation with running their goalies into the ground? Two years in a row, they have taken guys with previous experience as backups and played them like 60 games. Honest question – is that how you typically determine whether a guy can be a starter?

  7. Valace2

    Fuck all of this , it isn’t Husso’s fault, and anything that tries to say otherwise is full of feces.

  8. Danengel32

    One thing is that the season with the first full starters workload in the NHL is typically one of this big hurdles that most goalies deal with. He played 40 last year which is a decent amount, but this year was a decent step up.

    He got worked hard and that definitely wore on him, but it’s alsoa conman struggle while goalies establish themselves in the NHL

  9. wellpaidscientist

    Now do Nedeljkovic. He must be vindicated!!

  10. Shotokanguy

    Or maybe also the team played worse in front of him as the season went on

    I’m tired of this focus on the goaltending. Husso and Ned look like a capable pair on a good team.

  11. xenonwarrior666

    He wasn’t put in a position to succeed. He’s a good tandem goalie which is what we hired him for.

    Sadly Ned wasn’t up to the task until the damage was done to Husso.

    I’m prepared for Husso to have a similar start to Ned next season.

    There really wasn’t a good plan B if shit hit the fan. We were in the hunt so it probably would have been nuts to play Hellberg regardless.

    Maybe we should have traded for a back up but that’s easier said than done. Especially when you’re hoping for Ned to bounce back which never happened till it was too late.

  12. jarvek7

    The same thing happened last year when we overplayed Ned during the first half and then watched him flame out from being overused. Same with Husso. I mean seriously… didn’t we learn anything from last season? Of course I also realize that last year Greiss was the back up (and sucked) and this year Ned was the backup (and surprisingly sucked also) so overplaying the starter was keeping us in the hunt.

    It’s like we let history repeat itself- two years running

  13. Husso is good enough to be the starting goalie. His first full year was a bit of push and find out what he can do and how far he can go before he tails off. I think next year he will be a little better, but he can’t carry the team or play tons of games.

    He is better than Ned was/is and not sure if Ned can even be a good backup. They will need a really good vet backing him up though as he is not going to be able to play a huge workload and next season if they get in the playoffs it would be stupid to have a burned out goalie. They need him fresh. So one of the key adds this summer is a backup.

  14. The_ManWithNoName

    Unpopular opinion but we need to stop overvaluing our talent. Husso is most likely a solid backup goalie. I don’t see him as our long term starter. He’s not consistent enough to be a starter. His save percent is below .900. And his saves above replacement is near the bottom of the league. Yes the team didn’t help at times but at some point Husso needs to play better. His season is basically the same trajectory as Ned did last year.
    Ned’s time as a Wing is most likely done. We need a better backup next year to contend. Consistency is key. That is why Ned fell off. Both goalies can steal games but you need to limit blow up games which is not the case.

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