@New Jersey Devils

Carrying Momentum

The Devils are focused on winning game 82 to carrying momentum into the playoffs. More from Wednesday’s practice on Devils Now


  1. Sorry but Marchand should have gotten at LEAST a 5 min major if not a 10 + fine and suspension for that hit on McLeod. Uncalled for, he was out of control, and reckless. Marchand has been fined and suspended for less in his career and is quite a dirty player. But he's given a pass because Boston is the League Darling this year being on their "historic run". Hopefully someone humbles them and puts the President's Trophy curse on them in the playoffs.

  2. I call bs on it being important to win the last game of the season. The smart teams rest their forwards for the games that are gonna matter we already clinched home ice and id rather player new york then Florida in round 1 .look at Colorado. They lost their games going into the playoffs last season .

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