@Minnesota Wild

[NHL Player Safety] Winnipeg’s Neal Pionk has been fined $5000, the maximum allowable under CBA, for Cross-checking against Minnesota’s Marcus Johansson.

[NHL Player Safety] Winnipeg’s Neal Pionk has been fined $5000, the maximum allowable under CBA, for Cross-checking against Minnesota’s Marcus Johansson.

by DecentLurker96


  1. cbrucebressler

    Really hoping this means Johansson did not have any ribs cracked or broken. If that’s the case, I’ll take that trade off.

  2. MinnePuffin

    Well, it’s not nothing. I hope MoJo is doing okay.

  3. razzordragon

    when you give a fine to a rich person it’s not a punishment, it’s a tax

  4. stumpybubba

    So I expect Hartman to receive the same.

  5. MNtherealChuck

    whats the fricken point. NHL is idiotic.


    Now he only makes $6,495,000 this year… How is that punishment?

  7. Bearcub131313

    And Hartman gets a game?! What a fucking joke! The wheel of discipline is back

  8. EvilJ1982

    A $5000 fine for something clearly intended to injure, but Hartman gets suspended for interference…

    **Player safety is a fucking JOKE.**

  9. Sea-Function-8048

    It was a Cheap Shot with the full intent was to HURT another team’s player! I hope that we, the WILD, get another crack at these overrated wannabes in the Playoffs!!!

  10. spinorama29

    So to put into perspective of what a joke the NHL DOPS and CBA is with fines, let’s do a little math shall we? So i currently work as a QA tester for a gaming company. I make $20 an hour working full time so according to an online calculator i make about $40K a year. Neal Pionk under his current contract makes $6.5M this season. He was fined $5K, which is 0.077% of his salary for the year. So hypothetically lets say my company has the same policy as the NHL. If i go to a rival company’s office and intentionally attempt to injure one of their employees, and my company fines me 0.077% of my salary, and gives no other disciplinary action. I get fined $30.80.
    What a fucking joke. If i actually did that i would no doubt be fired and rightfully so. Or at the very least suspended. Albeit my job is a farcry from being a hockey player, but still. That kinda shows why a max fine of $5K for a play like that is abysmal

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