@Winnipeg Jets

Ryan Hartman interference on Nikolaj Ehlers – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Ryan Hartman took advantage of an unsuspecting player in a vulnerable spot. There is no such thing as reverse hitting.


  1. I like this channel, I understand what you see. but I disagree. I see Hartman reacting to a player coming at him while he's eligible to be hit. No call. No suspension. One of the worst things about the NHL today is the way the game is called. This isn't a penalty in the playoffs.

  2. There is nothing drastic about Hartman's movement. He doesn't have to go out of his way for there to be contact because Ehlers is coming at Hartman. Ehlers just got the worst of the contact. Good hockey play by Hartman. Dumb play by Ehlers.

  3. Great breakdown. I’m one of those that saw this as a clean hit in real time. Without slow-mo i never saw imo the slight change in direction from Hartman. Big fan of the content. Keep up the awesome work.

  4. This idea Ehlers is coming at Hartman is just so fabricated. The idea Hartman is just reversing is nonsense. The fact Ehlers had anything to do with Kaprizov moments before is completely irrelevant. The fact Hartman touches the puck before the hit is also irrelevant. Hartman wanted to hit Ehlers. He planned for it. The fact the puck was coming at him as he stepped into Ehlers's lane is what is incidental. Hartman wasn't moving the puck forward and then, oh no here comes a Jets player, I guess I should defend myself. Ehlers establishes his lane and starts skating right for the puck as Hartman is swinging into his path, happens to tap the puck, and then leans into Ehlers. He's lucky he only got one game.

  5. This is bullshit. It's worthy of a 2 minute penalty, NOTHING more. Stop trying to turn this game in soccer. Think about the terminology used here- a suspension for INTERFERENCE??? Was the hit Malicious? Hartman saw him coming, delivered the check FIRST. He wasn't looking for him, or hunting him down. Just stop it.

    The first rule you are taught is keep your head up, and know your surroundings. You also just hit someone yourself, usually a hit-clean OR dirty- follows after you deliver one. That's the sport. 2 minutes interference, Max. And I don't know what you're drinking recommending 3-5……wow. NO dog in the fight, either- Islanders fan.

  6. Hartman has every right to stop while playing the puck. The moment Hartman makes that choice it's his lane and spot. Ehlers 100% runs into Hartman if he doesn't throw the reverse check so he has the right to throw it.

  7. A hit on an ineligible player that screens them from playing the puck is Interference. What makes this more than Interference? Hartman was penalized for both Interference and Roughing on the play.

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