@New York Islanders

Do you think Nyisles sticks around after this season?

Do you think Nyisles sticks around after this season?

by nothing_but_static


  1. IrishBall

    I don’t think anyone has a negative opinion on him. Frankley, I think he already is more liked than Sparky (only because he’s more Islanders related). I think we keep this 2-mascot experiment going forward.

  2. stuplexer_

    I love the idea of doing a good cop/bad cop routine with Sparky being your typical, fun-loving mascot and Nyisles being a total shithead menace ala Gritty

  3. ToweringIsle27

    Hope so. He looks good in that jersey.

  4. ArtyThePoopie

    hopefully. i think every team should have one normal mascot and one mascot who’s a weird lil guy

  5. sully_gaming

    Yea, I also think this fisherman or a variation of it should be the third jersey

  6. RIPwhalers

    Yeah…I mean just from the sunk cost of having brought him back if nothing else.

    But I kinda love the hilarity of having two mascots.

  7. Type-OHondo

    We made the playoffs and ended Pittsburgh’s run. Keep the fisherman as an alt and keep Nyisles!

  8. Ineedmorethan20cha-

    I hope the creepy bastard stays forever

  9. MacStainless

    My biggest issue is explaining WHAT Nysiels is. Like, who is he?? Sparky is just a fun dragon but Nyles needs a backstory (courtesy of ChatGPT):

    > Nyisles, the old NY Islanders mascot, was once a struggling actor who couldn’t catch a break. Desperate for work, he took a job as a mascot, donning a fisherman costume and entertaining crowds. But something strange happened during a game in 1995. Nyisles went rogue, attacking the opposing team’s mascot and scaring the children in the stands. Rumors circulated that the costume had possessed him, and he disappeared from the public eye. Years later, a retired Nyisles was found living alone in a small cabin in the woods. But when authorities approached him, they found that he had been dead for years, and the costume had been animating his corpse all along.

  10. ColdAnteater344

    I like him but i think he should look more drunk or high

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