@Detroit Red Wings

Daily Stat Card: Aaaaand we’re done edition.

Daily Stat Card: Aaaaand we’re done edition.

by ForkzUp


  1. Did Ben Chiarot have any games where he was in the top half of the stat card this season?

  2. Aj992588

    any chance you can compare larkin before and after his contract signing?

  3. Funkshow

    That list is Seider, Raymond, Larkin, and a bunch of nobodies.
    Edit: Sorry to make your feelings sad all you downvoters. You must be happy with the team not making the playoffs again. I trust the Yzerplan and realize that most of these players won’t be part of it when the team is winning.

  4. zombiechicken379

    Silly question, but how do you read these stat cards?

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