@Colorado Avalanche

Ah hell, I’m feeling optimistic today. LET’S GOOOO! What does the Avs road to a repeat look like to you guys? Nuggs bracket for good measure.

Ah hell, I’m feeling optimistic today. LET’S GOOOO! What does the Avs road to a repeat look like to you guys? Nuggs bracket for good measure.

by bridesign34


  1. DevourerJay

    I want Edm to lose to LA…
    I want Seattle.
    leave Dallas and Minnesota to deal with with each other.

    Also I’d die of laughter if Boston crashes and burns in the 1st round… like Toronto will…

  2. TheRollingPebble

    We don’t even know who we’re facing in the first round yet, so way to jump the gun.

  3. roscoparis

    Optimistic but you have the Avs losing tonight?? Otherwise I like your bracket.

  4. superavsfaneveryone

    Toronto getting out of the first round? You sure you aren’t a closet Maple Leafs fan?

  5. AVgreencup

    Buddy, Boston and Edmonton are my two most hated teams. Can you change this so we don’t have to play either? Thanks sincerely

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