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Riley Gaines Gets ATTACKED By Transgender Activist FREAKS For Protecting Women’s Sports


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  1. This is unreal somebody needs to steppin for these young women and take these pieces of shit and put them in jail it's one thing to protest legally but these people are rioting and harming these athletes. Wheres the police why are they always absent from these kinds of protests

  2. That's there only way,violence. So be violent back to them they her him he she what ever the fuck they call themselves now.

  3. Put 100 women and 10 men on an island and in 150 years you will have a new civilization of children. Put 100 trans women and 10 men on an island and in 150 years you will find 110 skeletons.

  4. I hope she presses charges and that MAN gets sent to a MALE prison for physical assault.

  5. Its not a man attacking woman, this girl Riley also accepts to fall general narative, its sick mentally ill man who thinks he is a woman, attacking another woman for being natural woman. Period.

  6. Sadly the CASH COWS who are University harassers/abusers pay the schools to support their agenda and these schools DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE. Further you cannot sue these state schools as the tuitions and FEES these cash cows pay (get into life long debt/student loans) to pay these schools for THE SCHOOL LEGAL FUND. If anyone tries to sue these schools, the media is behind them, and so are the politicians. ONly way to fight them is to STOP paying them for lawyers that BURY the student. RIley will likely expose all of this. Further, WHERE IN THE HELL ARE RILEYS "sisters" where are those who should support her, and fight and be abused along with her? TThe are nowhere to be found, rather they go ALONG the CULT of academe to score a SPORTSCASTING job in media or a high paying coach job in higher ed. WAKE UP FOLKS!

  7. it is transgender who actually destroys human rights, creates chaos in human life, children lose their real mother figure and true father figure, because transgender people have changed human rights to become not right, they support the killing of aborted babies,support sex reassignment, women become bosses, and men become slaves, this lgbtq group wants to rule the world, if you oppose them, they will be aggressive, they are followers of satan,,rulers and entrepreneurs have worshiped satan to make them rich and famous, and dominatethe world, that's why LGbtq followers are protected by the authorities, and it could be that the rulers who support LGBTq are people who are anti-religious..

  8. You should have to have a license to breed! This is getting out of hand something has gone really wrong with western society in the last 10-15 years! I don't know where this is coming from but it has to stop, oh wait a minute I know exactly where it's coming from, the Left Wackos!!!

  9. This is also possible because of the cowardice of the "other" no "trans" students that did not do anything, din't confronted these 20 freaks, when the rest are like 3000 (I dont know the size of that school). Watching the abuse and not do anything makes you accomplice.

  10. My question is, WHERE THE FK WARE THE MEN here in this situation to PROTECT AN ACTUALL WOMAN from delusional and confused and FKING INSANE UNEDUCATED CHILDREN that ware LEFT unattended as they grew up haveing this FKING INSANE MENTALITY ?? WHERE WARE YOU MEN ? U ware supposed to be there and kick some ass to snap them back to reality !

  11. Oh but trans are under attack everyday, that puppet Dwayne wade and his clown wife told us . NORMAL people need to start taking our world back, the many need to stop bending to the wants of a few. God help us 20 years from now.

  12. 3:46 wow what a loving comunity :/ swearing at a person who's tryna be fair. i dont get this, i hope they grow out of this phase, cuz its ridiculous.

  13. "Why you running?!"

    Because you guys are complete unhinged psychopaths.. duh!

    I'd run from a pack of rabid crazies too! That's terrifying! 😳

  14. If people are that upset and hostile they need to be escorted off property. If they won't go they need to be arrested!!!

  15. They are not women. They are transgender women. And it's not the same. Everything is here. Terms are important here. Women are people with a vagina and a uterus. Transgender women are males in the wrong body. But they are still genetically male. That's it !

  16. And the trans fre*ks wonder why nobody accepts them. If normal people don’t go along with their bullshit, they attack others. SICKENING 🤮🤮🤮

  17. I want to see these protestors go out and try to do something like trying to get a job, loan, home, food etc. and get denied for everything and the reason being is a trans was picked over them. And it just happens to them for a week or month and see if they change their tune. Or a full-grown man stripped naked in a closed space with them and see how it feels. They can't complain either. There's no violence just sharing the same horrible experiences.

  18. Hopefully she stays true to what she says and will sue the criminals (don't call them activists) and sue the school board and the police.

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