@New Jersey Devils

Sutter explains why he grabbed Bernier

Darryl Sutter explains why he grabbed Jonathan Bernier at the end of a game. Aired 12/29/11.


  1. are you not supose to get to every practice when you´re a pro and make millions on what you´re doing even doe you´re 2nd goalie?

  2. @ithmy I think it just more of the fact that right now Bernier is kind of living in the shadow of Quick, but he's still working really hard as a goalie, even though he doesn't get to play much

  3. @JRevs35

    true! it doesnt hurt to give cred to someone even doe they are pro so guess u right there! we´re all humans in the end and all need some creds sometime 😉

  4. @ithmy Exactly. And even though he's the back-up, he's good enough to be a starting goalie

  5. Even though Quick is my favorite, I believe that Bernier is going to be a great starting goaltender. Good luck to him in Toronto! – LA Kings fan

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