@New Jersey Devils

GHP 011: What It Takes To Win A Gold Medal W/ Matt Smith

Welcome to the Goalie Hacks Podcast, episode number eleven featuring W/ Matt Smith

In this episode I chat with one of the biggest upcoming goalie coaches in Canada, Matt Smith. We talk about his work with World Junior Gold Medalist Nico Daws, and his story going from unnoticed to #1 on the NA NHL central scouting list. What was going through Matt’s head during OHL draft day when he drafted Nico Daws, and what coaches at the major junior level look for in goaltenders. Several technical topics including how to reprogram the subconscious mind through repetition, and how changing the plain of your eyes can effect your tracking. Lastly how to self-evaluate properly on individual goals and your season, and how to plan for next year to set yourself up for success.

Episode Highlights:
• Matt’s work with World Junior Champion & Gold Medalist Nico Daws
• The things that he focused on going into last summer that helped him succeed
• The problem with goaltending culture, and why most goalies lack honesty and self-reflection
• Why goaltender’s are pushed into a leadership rolls, and how to take on that responsibility
• Why having and exercising humility is so important
• What the OHL draft is like, and what was going through Matt’s head when he was trying to draft Nico Daws
• What his coaching philosophy consists of, and why he focuses on changing your subconscious behavior first and foremost
• How to reprogram the subconscious mind, and how to identify, correct, and increase efficiency
• Where greatness and elite goaltending really lies
• How to achieve balance when evaluating goals, and the criteria and system you can use to evaluate yourself
• Matt’s work with Garret Sparks, and what he focuses on with taller goalies
• How forwards have caught up in the tactical department
• Gear reductions and what they mean for goaltenders
• How changing the plain of your eyes can effect your tracking
• How to frame the net and change your stance so your eyes are at the same plain as wherever the puck is moving to
• How to best utilize peripheral vision and how to track properly
• The concept of having your hands move with your pads
• What goalies should focus on to make the transition to the next level much easier
• What coaches are looking for at the next level, and how to prove to them you’re ready
• How Matt helps his students self-evaluate for the whole year
• How to identify trends where we’re struggling, isolating the variables we’re lacking in, and setting goals going forward

Details announced in the podcast!

Full Shownotes Available Here:

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Intro Music: Risk It All by Out There

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