@Montreal Canadiens

Was This SERIOUSLY Necessary?

Nhl highlights today 2023 montreal canadiens vs toronto maple leafs ebug jett alexander sheldon keefe angry canadiens vs maple leafs highlights mitch marner auston matthews nhl hockey highlights today 2023 nhl picks today leafs news chris wideman interview nhl tonight stanley cup playoffs 2023 matchups schedule toronto maple leafs highlights hockey nhl biggest hits jett alexander interview leafs habs sheldon keefe nhl standings today nhl playoffs 2023 toronto maple leafs news
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  1. Guys, I literally say in the first 10 seconds of the video that I have no issue with the EBUG thing, and that's not what the video is about.

  2. Imagine making an entire video without showing any of the plays on which the video is about? Trash clickbait.

  3. Should probably be more worried about getting beat 7-1 🤷🏻‍♂️🫡

  4. Habs fan here….I have no problem with putting the kid out there. I would have had a problem had their been a Habs penalty and the top PP line came out at the end of the game As it stands, it was a good move for the kid.

  5. If Montreal was able to keep it close they wouldn't have put him in

  6. Necessary maybe not, but I don't think it's a big deal either. Like outbursts like that happen with almost every coach in the league countless times a year and while the game was the definition of meaningless and a blowout, I'm not sure we can really ask these guys to change their approach that much. We preach about wanting consistency and I think this comes with the competitiveness that's needed to drive that mentality.

  7. Who cares what Wideman thinks lol shouldn't even be news and no it wasn't disrespectful its pathetic the Canadiens took a nice moment for that kid and made it about themselves. LMAO! as well refs make a lot of shit calls Keefe has every right to say and do what he does refs are the only ppl that don't face any discipline for how they call the game so once in a while they need to hear from ppl when they do screw up I'm fine with it of course he wouldn't even be doing that had refs not given him a reason to. Refs are too emotional they shouldn't let that determine outcome of a game how about make actual good calls so you don't get berated for it when ppl get angry. Composure smosure I like that our coach gives a shit no problem at all with me and sometimes the refs make stupid calls that's what happens. Stupid calls can determine games so ya they kinda matter.

  8. Don't care what referees are feeling or thinking. Their job is straight forward – maintain a game. If they making mistakes – they should be responsible for that. There is a game and if ref can't take care about his feelings – he should change the job.

  9. Love everything you have to say, man. You’re great.

    A little tip though, fansided and Editor in Leaf are the biggest trash sites you could possibly EVER go to for ANY for of Maple Leaf information. So I personally wouldn’t reference anything to do with them in your videos…

    Just my opinion and thoughts. Cheers dude!

  10. Wait, the guy who says “f*** you” to the refs faces doesn’t get the calls he wants? OMG that’s so surprising! The refs must be against the leafs!

  11. Nah fuck the refs, they are rigging against Toronto because they know if Toronto ever wins a cup, their sales will go up for a bit, but then over the next couple years, it would go immensely down. As Toronto would be satisfied and their biggest dog will no longer be chomping at that bit.

  12. Can you do one on the Rat Marchand’s dirtbag hit on Michael McLeod and “expert” referee Dave Jackson commenting that it was McLeod’s fault for not getting out of the way?

  13. In the long absence of the Nordiques, I root for Montreal (unfortunately). But also, being a goalie, that would be a dream come true for me and must approve of what the Leafs did putting Alexander in at the last minute. Wish he could have had at least one shot/save though. On your other point, I don't follow the Leafs much, but as for Saturday's game against the Habs, I really did not see any particular bias in the penalty calling. If I recall, Montreal got more penalties. BTW,I bet every team probably thinks exactly the same as the Leafs do about refereeing. Also, coaches challenges. I think Montreal had the one of the worst win/lose ratios last season. Guess where the decisions are made… Or maybe Montreal staff doesn't know a thing about hockey??? 🤨I wonder what their ratio is this year.

  14. Lol Keefe is the worst and I laugh every year he's still there. I hope they keep him forever. First round exit again. Vasi with no vaseline.

  15. No.. It's mostly Canadians fans.. They suck and will continue to suck.. That is why Carey Price said screw it. He doesn't feel like carrying a team again while getting 50 shots a game

  16. I'm sorry but if your defense is don't be down 7 goals, gotta keep in mind that the habs a re a rebuilding team will all their good players out injured. Classless move and I'm tired of the leafs media and fans being so defensive about this. And yea, leafs will get what they deserve 💯

  17. I'm a Habs fan and there was nothing offensive about sending in the emergency goalie. It's just a way to say thank you to the guy by giving him some ice time. No harm intended.

  18. As a leafs fan, I'm angry that the refs seemingly give penalties to bunting for no reason. The leafs are expected to be a "soft" team but when they get a physical and rough player he gets penalties non-stop. Bunting is getting penalties for engaging in scrums and it seems like the refs hate him.

  19. Totally agree. There was nothing wrong with giving that guy a few minutes at the end of the 7-1 game.

  20. Refs are definitely people, and should be treated with the respect you should show people. Players are also people; however that didn’t stop one of them from manhandling a player. Nobody needs to be disrespected, but glass houses seems to be rampant this day in age.

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