@Calgary Flames

Alexander Ovechkin Rifles One Past Dan Vladar To Score His Fifth Of The Season And Tie The Game

Watch as Alexander Ovechkin rifles a shot from the wing that gets past Dan Vladar for his fifth goal of the season and tying the game at 3 against the Calgary Flames.


  1. The players that slow down big time when they get older are the ones that relied on their speed in their youth and prime. This is why Ovechkin has the potential to break the goal record, he doesn't rely on his skating to be an offensive powerhouse.

  2. It's genuinely stunning how ovi continues to defy the aging process. At this rate he'll keep his scoring touch until he's in his 40s

  3. Damn I wonder if Ovechkin…when he gets older and a bit slower, he’s going to lose thirty pounds and be 200 afterward; less weight more speed? Is the greatest goal scorer using that as his trump card? 🤔

  4. I’m an Oilers fan so glad the flames are tied with caps since their 3-0 lead. Cheering for caps on this one

  5. Даже если он не догонит Грецки, он останется супер восьмёркой !!!!ОВИ !!!!!!

  6. how team's still give ovi that shot – shouldn't they know better; especially when you've got a fairly green goaltender.? but it's good to see alex's still got it..

  7. ngl bad goaltending on that one. Nth against Ovi but cmon now. What kinda butterfly was that? You really gonna move your blocker like that? That's old school 90s lol cmon. Chest up arms positioned legs down no 5 hole. That being said if you let one in against Ovi consider that a blessing.

  8. Even Wayne Gretzky himself clearly admitted in a 2019 interview: "I played in the right era, it's harder to score now than it was when I played." The statistical average number of goals scored per game per team in the NHL between 1979 to 1993 when Gretzky played in his first 14 seasons was 3.742 goals. The statistical average number of goals scored per game per team in the NHL between 2005 to 2019 when Ovechkin played in his first 14 seasons was 2.838 goals. That's a 32% difference which means that it is statistically 32% more difficult to score goals in the modern era compared to back in the 80's and early 90's.

    When people only look at a 1:1 goal comparison between Gretzky's total goals and Ovechkin's total goals, its like comparing a sprinter who is running on flat level surface to that of a sprinter running uphill on an incline. Ovechkin's modern era goal total needs to be calibrated by a factor of 32% in order to properly compare to Gretzky's goal total: 732 goals x 1.32 = 966 goals > Gretzky's 894 goals. And that's even before adding in the 50 goals Ovechkin would have certainly scored in the 2004/2005 lockout season.

    It really puts into perspective what Ovechkin has achieved in the modern NHL era while even having played one less season than Gretzky, and Ovechkin still has 5 or 6 seasons left to play still. It's like catching up to the fastest sprinter in history after having a late start, while running against an incline, and then passing that fastest sprinter while there is still a quarter length of track remaining.

    Just look at the difference between goalies from the 80's and goalies in the modern NHL era. Look at the difference in their size of pads, height, reach, flexibility, technique, and skill. Most goalies from the 80's played worse than today's amateur beer league goalies. During Gretzky's first 14 seasons, the average NHL goalie save % was 0.879 and the average GAA was 3.65, which is unheard of among today's modern era NHL goalies, except maybe in the minors. Also, no players bothered to block shots back in the 80's, imagine how many more goals Ovechkin would have if players played 80's style defense and did not bother to block shots.

    Also, Gretzky played on a decade-long dynasty team in an era that had no salary cap. The 80's Oilers Dynasty fab 5 would have never been allowed to exist on the same team after the salary cap was put in place starting in 2006 during Ovechkin's first season. Ovechkin played every single season under a limiting cap which made the league way more competitive and evenly distributed, Gretzky never did, not even a single season.

  9. Crazy thing is he lost 3 seasons….. 2 lockouts and a covid season.. what a shame.

  10. I don't have Washington in my Canucks season ticket package but I'm definitely gonna try getting tickets for that game if possible. I need to see him score just a goal!

  11. If he scores 50 this year it will be the most impressive one yet and definately have him try for another which nobody has ever done. 10 50 goal seasons.

  12. How does he do that? No screen, from that far away. He just cleanly beat that goalie with snapshot. WTF?

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