@Calgary Flames

Flames Miss Playoffs, Cap-Strapped Maple Leafs, Bedard’s ‘Best Fit’ | NHL Headlines

0:00 – Nick Ritchie & Flames Eliminated
5:30 – Winnipeg Jets figuring it out?
7:15 – Maple Leafs Goaltending/Cap Concerns
12:30 – Fastest ‘Turnaround’ w/ Bedard
19:00 Jonathan Toews’ Future

Season 4 Episode 55:

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  1. Bedard best fit is SanJose they don't have much or michkov.
    Columbus,Chicago,Airizona,ducks get who they get Carlson,fantilli,benson ect
    But I hope Montreal,Vancouver get players who pane out

  2. Would love Bedard in Anaheim, I think he would fit perfectly with our young core. But if we don’t get him, we’ll be fine we’ll still end up with a top pick and we already have a solid amount of young talent at every position. If Anaheim ends up with bedard or even if fantilli/carlsson could step in next season our top 6 fwd group would be pretty solid. Goaltending is squared away (I know the league hates on Gibby but it’s because the don’t even watch they just look at numbers). Our defense is horrible though.

  3. Ray's analysis is always so good. He lingered over the Sutter question for just the right amount of time. You know what he meant and as an ex-player he navigated the repercussions of Sutter's style without telling listeners how to feel about it. Good stuff.

  4. What’s Ray talking about they build throughout the year in Calgary. They don’t stop because it’s cold outside. That’s what you get from an ex NHL player with a high school education.

  5. How are the leafs going to resign Tavares,marner,Reilly they don’t have to worry about Austin he’s asking for a trade soon he’s wasting the prime years in his life

  6. If you want a number 1 draft pick hire Dallas eikens as your head coach he’s the worst nhl coach ever

  7. A tremendous fit for Bedard would be Detroit! They are one of the best, if not the best, team in the draft lottery. Also Bedard should not go to Worlds. He needs a break. Also he would not want to risk a serious injury prior to being drafted.

  8. This trade with the Panthers last yr was a mistake ALL the way !
    They had a good team last yr.
    I was totally shocked to see this happen.
    BOTH teams missed the playoffs this yr because of it !
    Perhaps they should trade back
    These 2 guys and try to start again !
    And both teams would be better for it !
    Forget about all this stuff about an arena, this is about on ice stuff !
    Both teams were better off without this trade !

  9. Woll is a damn good Goalie.
    In fact he is thier BEST Goalie !
    Sami is weak on glove side.
    Murry is weak stick side .
    Woll is good on BOTH sides !
    That game against Tampa showed exactly what he has !
    Woll STOPPED tampa lastnight !
    Sami could not DO this, neither can Murray !
    Woll absolutely stoned tampa in this game !
    I give woll lots of credit for that game !
    Credit were credit is due !

  10. Leafs sent Woll down to keep Simmonds up and then signed Knies. They tried to manipulate the salary cap and got caught they are not in an emergency call up situation, they are in a mess they created themselves and got caught

  11. I thought Ritchie did pretty decent. Better than I thought he would. However Sutter is toast.

  12. Media is such a joke, and I can't even listen to garbage like this anymore without wanting to pull my eyes out of my skull

  13. Dregs. You missed the point. Sammy played against Florida and the Tampa game had no bearing on the playoff picture, so smarten up news guy

  14. best fit for bedard would probably be anaheim or columbus. He would be a great draw for a canadian team but i dont think he will get drafter to a canadian team. Brad Treliving. is a clown. I said it was not going to be pretty before he traded for huburdeau and kadri. Now they are old max capped and have very few young prospects. Its dumb. Ray you are usually pretty smart but not this time. Wake up

  15. Sitter put out Nick Ritchie as a statement to management that this is who you got us at the trade deadline when we needed help down the stretch….total mind move

  16. How can it be that some of the guys don't want to play under Darrel Sutter? Then they shall stop her contracts, stop playing hockey. You speak about the flames and their problems – this guy's are the problem! Under pressure at the end of the season they performed better, but without pressure they did what they want. Not Sutter is the problem, the character and mental of the "key players" is it.

  17. The team had the best start in team history… Everybody seems to forget that. They lost to Edmonton, & Sutter blew up the lines… another loss to the Oilers killed Markstrom.

  18. Columbus' entire top 4 D corp was on the injured reserve almost all year. I wouldn't mind him going to Columbus, they are actually closest.

  19. You have a former player in Ferraro saying he doesn't like the cap but rules are rules. I'm curious about the implementation of the cap and how it has affected the game for the worse. I seem to recall a time when teams that were stacked still had to fight tooth and nail to have any success in the playoffs. The way it is now, it's way too constrained and an unintended consequence is you're choking a team or teams chance to ice a competitive team; Leafs being a great example. One of the highest paid roster yet an aberrant play could derail the whole season.

  20. Leafs didnt put themselves in this situation lol tampa did few years ago fucking with the cap and no one couldnt do nothing about it lol every team during the trade deadline this year was warned…whats up with this league protecting these thrash nhl citys lol flordia, arizona etc and they shit on montreal and toronto lol they didnt even wanna put the all star game in montreal like last year or the year before whenever it was lol Gary sucks ass, only league in the world I expect a lockout every few years lol “smh” anyways hope u guys have a great week peace

  21. Bedard shouldn't go to the World Championships… Considering he's going to land on a developing / rebuilding team, he'll likely have plenty of opportunity to have that experience in the next few seasons (after missing the NHL playoffs)… Let him rest, develop as a teenager without the psychological, let alone physical, pressure, that The Worlds would generate.

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