@Colorado Avalanche

Poll: Colorado Avalanche Awards 2022-2023

Poll: Colorado Avalanche Awards 2022-2023

by adladtheavsfan


  1. -Sweet-Dreams-

    Duchene’s pic for Bo? Is that some joke I’m not getting? 😄

  2. NotHorrendous

    I have a strong feeling Girard is gonna be a finalist for both overrated and underrated again this year

  3. Rolley2001

    I think we know who will win the “Thank You, Joe” Award

  4. It’s Artturi, god dammit, not Arturri! You somehow got it right for some of the questions, but not all, don’t know how that happened.

    Also, Makar gonna sweep all three d-man awards, lol.

  5. awesomeness1234

    Looks like I am alone in thinking Newhook is a real disappointment.

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